Makalah Problem Of Education

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Entering the 21st century world of education in Indonesia became excited. The furor was not caused by the greatness of the quality of national education, but more due to awareness of the dangers of the backwardness of education in Indonesia. Juice is due to some fundamental thing
One is entering the 21st century wave of globalization is felt strongly and openly. technology and changes to a new awareness that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia was in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country.
We feel now is the existence of gaps in the quality of education. Both formal and informal education. And the results were obtained when we compare it with other countries. Education has become crutch in improving Indonesia's human resources for nation-building. Therefore, we should be able to improve Indonesian human resources that do not compete with human resources in other countries.
Once we observe, it seems clear that the problem is serious in improving the quality of education in Indonesia is low quality of education at various levels of education, both formal and informal education. And that's what causes the low quality of education that impede the provision of resources human family who have the expertise and skills to meet the nation's development in various fields.


1. How do the characteristic of education in indonesia?
2. What is quality of education in indonesia?
3. What are the causes of low quality of education in indonesia?
4. How solutions can be given of the educational problems in indonesia?


1. Describe the characteristic of education in indonesia.
2. Describing the quality of education in indonesia to day.
3. Describe the things that causes the low quality of education in indonesia.
4. Describes a solution which can be given of educational problems in indonesi.


1. For government
Can be used as a contribution in improving quality of education in indonesia
2. For teachers
Can be used as a refence in teaching their student so that participants can perfom better in the future
3. For student
Can be used study materials to learn in order to improve performance on particular an improve the quality of education in general.


A. Characteristics of Education in Indonesia

How to carry out education in Indonesia is certainly not independent of the purpose of education in Indonesia, because Indonesia's education is meant here is that education is done in the land of Indonesia for the benefit of the Indonesian nation.
Aspects of divinity have been developed in many ways such as through education, religious education in schools and in colleges, through the preachings of religion in society, through the religious life in the dormitories, through the pulpits of religion and divinity at the television, radio, letters news and so on. Ingredients that are absorbed through the media that will integrate within the spirit of the pupil / student.
Development of the mind are mostly done in schools or colleges through the field of study subjects they are studying. Minds of students / students honed through solving problems, solving various problems, analyze and summarize something.

B. Quality Education in Indonesia

Means of learning also becomes a factor the decline of education in Indonesia, especially for people in underdeveloped areas. However, for the people in backward regions, the most important is an applied science that actually used for living and working. There are many problems which cause normally they do not learn like most students in general, among others, teachers and schools.
C. Causes of Low Quality of Education in Indonesia

Below are described some of the causes of low quality of education in Indonesia in general, namely:

1. Effectiveness of Education in Indonesia

Effective education is an education that allows students to learn with easy, fun and achievable objectives in line with expectations. Thus, educators (professors, teachers, instructors, and trainers) are required to improve the effectiveness of learning so that Effectiveness of education in Indonesia is very low. After doing research and education practitioners to the field survey, one reason is the absence of a clear educational purpose learning activities undertaken. This led to learners and educators do not know "goal" of what will be generated so it does not have a clear picture of the educational process. Clearly this is an important issue if we want the effectiveness of teaching.

2. Teaching Efficiency in Indonesia

Efficient is how to generate the effectiveness of a goal with a process that is more 'cheap'. In the process of education will be much better if we take into account to obtain good results without forgetting process that is also good. Those things, too, who are less if we look at education in Indonesia. We did not consider the process, just how to achieve an agreed outcome standards.
Some problems of teaching efficiency in the high cost of education, time spent in the educational process, the quality and many other things that cause the inefficiency of the education process in Indonesia. Are also influential in improving Indonesia's human resources better.

3. Standardization Education In Indonesia

As we see today, standards and competencies in formal and informal education is seen only enamored of the standards and competencies. The quality of education is measured by the standards and competencies in various versions, as well as that formed new entities to implement standardization and competence as the National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP).
Indonesia learners sometimes just thinking about how to reach educational standards, not how to have taken effective education and can be used. No matter how to get results, or more specifically the values obtained, which is meet the above standard values only.

1. Low Quality Physical Facilities
For the infrastructure, for example, many schools and colleges of our damaged building, ownership and use of learning media is low, a library book is not complete. While the lab is not standard, inadequate use of information technology and so on.

2. Low Quality Teachers
The situation of teachers in Indonesia are also very apprehensive. Most teachers do not have enough professionalism to carry out their duties referred to in article 39 of Law No 20/2003 of the learning plan, implement learning, assessing learning outcomes, coaching, training, conduct research and perform community service.
Although teachers and lecturers are not the only determinants of educational success, however, teaching is the central point of education and qualifications, as a mirror quality, teaching staff contributed very big on the quality of education they are responsible. The quality of teachers and low teacher who is also affected by low levels of welfare of teachers.

3. Low Teachers' Welfare
Low teachers' welfare plays a role in making the low quality of education in Indonesia. However, the gap in private and state welfare in the other problems that have emerged. In the sphere of private education, welfare is still difficult to achieve the ideal status. The mind is informed of Representatives January 9, 2006, 70 percent of the PTS 403 in West Java and Banten is not willing to adapt well in accordance with the mandate of lecturers Teachers and Lecturers (Mind of Representatives January 9, 2006).

4. The low student performance
As it is the (low physical facilities, quality teachers, and teachers' welfare) performance was a poor student . Sons of Indonesia, but it can only account for 30% of the reading material and found them very difficult to answer the questions in the form of description that require reasoning. This may be because they are accustomed to memorize and perform multiple choice questions.

5. Lack of Equality of Education Opportunity
Educational opportunities are still limited to the elementary school level. Data Balitbang Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs Directorate General of Binbaga Department in 2000 showed Net enrollment (NER) for elementary school age children in 1999 reached 94.4% (28.3 million students). Achievement of APM include high category. Net enrollment in secondary education is still low at 54, 8% (9.4 million students). Meanwhile, early childhood education services are still very limited. Failure of early childhood development in the future will certainly hamper the development of human resources as a whole. Therefore we need policies and strategies for equitable education appropriate to address the problem of inequality.

6. Low Relevance of Education With Needs
This can be seen from the many graduates who are unemployed. Data BAPPENAS (1996) collected since 1990 shows the open unemployment rate faced by high school graduates by 25.47%, Diploma/S0 by 27.5% and PT by 36.6%, while at the same time period sufficient employment growth height for each level of education is 13.4%, 14.21% and 15.07%. According to Education Ministry data Balitbang 1999, each year approximately 3 million children drop out of school and have no life skills leading to employment problems of its own. The existence of the incongruity between educational outcomes and the needs of the workforce is due to the curriculum that the material is less funsional against the skills needed when students enter the workforce.

7. Costly Education Expenses
Quality education is expensive. This sentence often appears to justify the high costs of attending any public education bench. The high costs of education from kindergarten (kindergarten) to university (PT) makes the poor have no choice but to not go to school. Poor people should not be school.
Quality education is not likely cheap, or rather, do not be cheap or free. But the problem is who should pay for it? The government actually obligated to guarantee every citizen access to education and ensure public access down to get a quality education. However, the fact that the government actually wanted to argue from the responsibility. Though limited funds can not be a reason for the Government to 'hand washing

To solve the problems above, in broad outline there are two solutions can be given are:First, systemic solutions, ie solutions with changing social systems relating to the education system. As we all know the education system is related to the economic system that is applied. The education system in Indonesia today, applied in the context of the economic system of capitalism (the school of neo-liberalism), a principled, among others, minimizing the role and responsibilities of the state in public affairs, including education funding.
Thus, solutions to problems that exist, especially regarding the subject of financing, such as low physical facilities, teacher welfare, and the high cost of education, means demand is also changing the existing economic system. It would be less effective we implement a system of Islamic education in an atmosphere of a ruthless capitalist economic system. So the current system of capitalism must be stopped and replaced with Islamic economic system is outlined that the government was the one who will bear all state education financing.
Second, technical solutions, ie solutions concerning technical matters that relate directly to education. This solution is for example to resolve the problem of teacher quality and student achievement.
Thus, solutions to technical problems returned to practical efforts to improve the quality of the education system. The low quality of teachers, for example, in addition given a solution of prosperity, is also given a solution to finance the teachers continue to pursue higher education, and provide various training to improve teacher quality. The low student achievement, for example, given a solution by improving the quality and quantity of learning materials, improving teaching aids and means of education, and so on.




The quality of education in Indonesia is still very low when compared with the quality of education in other countries. The things that become the main cause of the effectiveness, efficiency, and standardization of education is still less optimized. Other problems are the cause, namely:

(1). Poor infrastructure,
(2). The low quality of teachers,
(3). Low welfare of teachers,
(4). The low student achievement,
(5). The low educational equity opportunities,
(6). Low relevance of education to the needs,
(7). The high costs of education.

The solutions can be given from the above problems, among others, by changing the social systems associated with the system of education, and improving teacher quality and student achievement.


Development of the world in this era of globalization is demanding changes to the national education better able to compete in a healthy manner and in all areas. One way that should do the Indonesian people to avoid getting left behind by other countries is to improve the quality of education first.
With the increasing quality of education means that human resources that are born will get better quality and will be able to bring this nation to compete healthily in all areas in the world.

Pidarta, Prof. Dr. Made. 2004. Manajemen Pendidikan Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.


CHAPTER 1...............................................................................................................................1

A. BACKGROUND ISSUES..............................................................................................1

B. PROBLEM FORMULATION......................................................................................1

C. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................1

D. BENEFITS OF WRITING............................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2...............................................................................................................................2


A. CHARACTERISTICS OF EDUCATION IN INDONESIA....................................2

B. QUALITY EDUCATION IN INDONESIA................................................................2



CHAPTER 3...............................................................................................................................6


A. CONCULATION...........................................................................................................6

B. SUGESTION..................................................................................................................6
