Facebook Profiles in 2011

The media is often to compare Facebook to MySpace, but one major difference between the two sites is the level of customize. Another difference is the requirement of Facebook so that users can manage their real identities, and the measures are not implemented on MySpace. MySpace allows users to decorate their profiles using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), while Facebook only allows raw text. Facebook has a number of features that can interact with the user. One is a wall, box in each user's profile page that allows friends to send messages to the user, Flick, which allows users to send "pokes" virtual one another (notice telling the user that they have dicolek), Photos, where users can upload album and photos and Status, which allows users to inform their friends about their whereabouts and actions at the time. Depending on privacy settings, anyone who can see a user's profile can also view the user's Wall. In July 2007, Facebook began allowing users to send attachments on the Wall, is different from previous walls were limited to textual content only.

Facebook graphical user interface on a mobile phone

Over time, Facebook added a feature to its site. On 6 September 2006, launched News Feed placed in each user's home page and profile information with such changes, the next event, and the user's friend's birthday. This allows spammers and other users memainipulasi features by making false or birthday event lie to draw attention to a profile or campaign. Initially, the News Feed gave rise to dissatisfaction among Facebook users; several of them complained because it was too cluttered and full of unnecessary information, while others take it easy for the user to track a person's activities (such as relationship status changes, events, and conversations with other users ).

In response, Zuckerberg sends apology for the failure of the site to include privacy features individually adjustable. Since then, users begin to get control over what types of information that can be shared automatically with friends. Now the user is able to prevent a group of friends to see updates its activities such as profile changes, Wall posts, and newly added friends.

Dated February 23, 2010, Facebook granted a patent  on a series of aspects of its News Feed. This patent covers News Feed when the link is sent so that one user can participate in the same activities as other users. This patent is pushing Facebook to take action against websites that violate its patent, such as Twitter.

One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photos, where users can upload albums and photos. Facebook allows users to upload an unlimited number of photos, compared to storage services such as Photobucket and Flickr images which limit the number of images you can upload one. In the first years, Facebook users are limited to 60 photos per album mengunggak. In May 2009, this limit was increased to 200 photos per album.

Privacy settings can be set for individual albums that restrict user group can see it. For example, the privacy of an album are arranged so that only the user's friends can see it, while the privacy of another album is set so that all Facebook users can see it. Another feature of the Photos application is the ability to "tag", or mark users in a photo. For example, if sebauh picture contains a user's friend, then the user can tag friends in photos. Such actions send a notification to the friend who tagged and give them a link to see the photo.