Biography of Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847. In 1954 his parents moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Edison also grew up there. As a child Edison had to attend school only for 3 months. His teacher warned a small Edison that he could not learn in school that her mother finally decided to teach himself Edison at home. Incidentally his mother worked as a teacher. This is done because when the Edison school, including students who are often left behind and he was considered a gifted student who did not.

Although no schools, small Edison demonstrated a deep curiosity and always wanted to try. Before reaching school age he had dissected animals, not to torture animals, but purely driven by great curiosity. At the age of eleven Edison to build a simple chemical laboratory in the basement of his father's house. A year later he managed to make a telegraph that although the shape of primitive but it works.

Of course experiments that did require a fairly large cost. To make ends meet, at the age of twelve years Edison worked as a newspaper seller and candy on trains operating between the city of Port Huron and Detroit. In order to spare time on the train not wasted Edison requested permission to any railroad company, "Grand Trunk Railway," to make a small laboratory in one of the railway carriage. It was there that he conducted experiments and to read the literature when not on duty.

In 1861 civil war between the states north and south. Topic to the attention of people. Thomas Alva Edison saw this opportunity and bought an old printing equipment for 12 bucks, and then print their own newspaper called "Weekly Herald". This paper is the first newspaper printed on the train and sold fairly. Oplahnya reached 400 a day.

At this time Edison was nearly lost his hearing due to an accident. But he did not regard it as a defect instead regard it as an advantage because he has a lot of time to think than to listen to empty talk.

In 1868 Edison got a job as a telegraph operator in Boston. Spent all his spare time to conduct engineering experiments. This year he also found the electric intercom system.

Thomas Alva Edison received his first patent for the electric vote recorder tool but nobody is interested to buy it so he switched to a commercial discovery. His first invention was the development of commercial stock ticker. Penemuaannya Edison sells to a company and get money for 40 000 dollars. This money is used by Edison to open companies and laboratories in Menlo Park, New Jersey. In this laboratory it later spawned the various discoveries that change the life pattern of most of the people in the world.

In 1877 he found a phonograph. In this year also he busied himself with the problems at that time to the attention of many researchers: incandescent lamps. Edison realized how important such a light source for the life of mankind. Edison therefore devote all her energy and time, and spend money as much as 40,000 dollars over the next two years to make the light bulb experiment. The question is how to find materials which can be incandescent when electrified but not burned. In total there are about 6000 materials tried. Through the efforts Edison, finally on October 21, 1879 was born the first electric incandescent lamp capable of burning for 40 hours.

There are many other useful inventions Edison. Overall Edison has produced 1039 patents. His discovery is rarely mentioned among others: printing telegraph, electric pen, the mining process of magnetic, electric torpedo, synthetic rubber, alkaline batteries, cement mixer, microphone, carbon telephone transmitter and motion picture projector.

Thomas Edison is also credited in the film. He combines photographic film that George Eastman had developed into the film industry that generates millions of dollars as it is today. He also makes the Black Maria, a mobile film studio built in the spinning line.

Passing through the 1920s his health deteriorated and he died on October 18, 1931 at the age of 84 years. (An)


Among the success stories of the founders of General Electric's wedged some interesting facts. Here we present 10 of them.

1. Hard of hearing, not deaf

Edison often called deafness. But it is not at all can not hear, but have difficulty to hear perfectly. The causes vary according to several sources. Some call for a fever when he was young as well as several middle ear infections are not treated. Some say because of his ears when the train conductor hit the chemical laboratory at the burning freight cars.

2. Newspaper on the first train

Edison experimented in hobby train him to have a laboratory in the carriage of goods even though the lab was finally burned. Edison then rebuild the chemistry lab and printing in the trunk of the car. From where he published the Grand Trunk Herald which is the first newspaper published on the train.

3. Dot and Dash

Edison has three children from his marriage to Mary Stilwell. Two children were given a unique nickname, Dot (Marion Estelle Edison) and Dash (Thomas Alva Edison Junior), who allegedly took from the symbols used in Morse code the dots "." And line "-".

4. Mina apply the Morse code

After Mary Stilwell died, Edison met Mina Miller who was a boy inventor Lewis Miller. He taught Mina Morse code so they can communicate in secret with a tap of the code in their hands. One day Mina Edison asked:.  Mina which is answered with: -. -. ... Soon, they were married.

5. Reject the so-called failed

Edison protest a newspaper containing headline: "Having failed to find 9955 times the incandescent light bulb, Edison finally managed to find the lights on". He asked the headline was replaced. The next day, at the request of Edison, to replace the newspaper headline be: "After 9955 times managed to find failed lamp lit, Edison finally managed to find the lights on"

6. The first patent failed

In 1869, at the age of 22, Edison obtained his first patent for a voice recorder telegraphic machines that he designed for the legislature. With these tools, each member of the legislature simply move a button on a machine that will record the bill of his choice. Unfortunately, the legislature rejected the device because of the way it works is slow.

7. Tattoo machine

In 1876, Edison patented the Stencil-pens, a tool that Samuel O'Reilly was later modified to become the first tattoo machine. Yet he was awarded for the discovery of the first tattoo machine.

8. The first industrial research laboratory

After selling the quadruplex telegraph that bought Western Union for $ 10 thousand, Edison used the money he earned to build a place that would deliberately dikhususkannya to continue to produce and develop products of technological innovation. The place is located in Menlo Park, New Jersey that eventually evolved into the first industrial research laboratory in the world.

9. Wizard of Menlo Park

The nickname was acquired after the successful Edison invented the phonograph in 1877 as well as raise its popularity. The achievement was so unexpected by many people that seem like magic. His first successful phonograph record sound on tinfoil around a grooved cylinder. However, the resulting sound-quality is still poor and the tapes can only be played back several times.

10. Electricity for all

The concept and implementation of power generation and its distribution to homes, offices, and factories are very important in the development of the modern industrialized world. Edison was the first to come up with the concept. The first electric power plant built on Manhattan Island, New York in 1882.