Important Point Of A Blog

Important Point Of A Blog
After receiving the response from readers o-om, I am determined to continue writing more articles and may be published O-om each week (if allowed). Someone commented that my post could be used in marketing, it's true! Basic marketing and I was everywhere that it remains the same basic name, even though my offline marketing but I am sure it can express the trick in the online world offline. I often make mini writing about marketing, but only for me personally. Instead do not want to create a separate blog, if there was only a mere reader tips are also going to be bored. Blog tips must be coupled with coding (this is my lack of), as Oom blog really complete!

For this topic I will give some important points of a special blog. What is a blog special?
That is, the more respected blog readers both in terms of content and content in response to comments given by others against him, and giving a taste different from other similar blogs. Here's an explanation of important points / specials that you can use for your blog;

Insist on the right with your comment, it will make you wiser

However, you need to look at other things to be able to explain your opinion is the 'correct' than others. Do not let anyone straighten out your opinion that it is really 'wrong'. And admit your mistakes to yourself will give a major influence on many people. It takes courage, and can invite a large reaction from others. Dared to reveal the facts are a major attraction for your readers.

Provide information not available to others is a positive attitude can take your readers' attention. Provide complete and understandable would make others feel having your blog (such as O-om blog ^ _ ^)

To shock

Just like giving a gift to someone you care, that person will feel the same to you. Or another way is to give flowers or a video image, creates works that will benefit the reader. Usually the big blogs provide free pdf book to the subscriber by email, so that fans feel special.

Making people laugh while reading your blog

This situation will make your blog readers are not rigid and do not feel bored. Sometimes other people really need it, and you can act as a doctor who can solve their problems.

Create an interesting post

Sub I have explained this in previous articles, you can just re-read. If a teenage boy going to the beach, what made him interested? The reason only one, "a woman dressed in a bikini". Long copy does not guarantee the reader will feel satisfied about your explanation, just the opposite would be bored with complicated words.

Should make a distinction between author and reader?

It's just a universal opinion, that most of them (the reader) to follow all of the life of the author, constantly define and redefine yourself. And you always feel safe with the identity they have. Change your blog to be something you define yourself to the readers.

Honest and polite is one key to success in blogging

Honest in some way that will make your readers feel happy and sometimes confusing them to give a bad comment. Will cover your lack of courtesy in interacting with readers and they will feel respected or valued.

One good idea is "an interesting story and got a good response from your readers."
This story does not haunt their lives, not scary or encourage them to do evil to others. Give freedom to enter the inner soul of the reader would be getting a positive response.