7 Tips For Your Monthly Salary Not Out Fast

7 Tips For Your Monthly Salary Not Out Fast
Salary is always out in the middle of the month? Something is wrong with the management of your money each month. Maybe you often feel, giving the company the salary is too small and can not always sufficient revenue expenditure. It may actually pay you more than enough, it's just that you use more of your paycheck to the things that are less important. Before your bad habits so this financial disaster, consider some solution so you can save monthly salary

1. Set aside Salary

Set aside 10 to 30 percent of salary after receiving a salary, then store in a special bank account for saving. Try not to ever put money in the bank. In order not to be tempted to withdraw money, make no ATM card facility on the bank account.

2. Create a Priority
Make priorities in spending. FIRST pay bills before spending money for just satisfaction. You have to set aside money in the beginning to pay these bills.

3. Do not Spend Simultaneously
When receiving a salary, do not spend your money at once. Plan each month how much you will be spending money for shopping and abide by the plan.

4. Wise When Shopping
Do not buy based on desire, but by necessity. When you think need a new bag, think twice, if the old bag you really can not be used to have to buy a new one? If not, perhaps there are still some bags in the closet, you should allocate to other more important purposes, or saved.

5. According Shopping Capabilities
Shop fit the money you have in it, not by how much money or bonus you will be at a later date. Remember, do not spend money for purposes not matter and hope to get some extra cash afterwards.

6. Limit Credit Card Use
Do not have more than two credit cards in your wallet if you can not control its use. Use your credit card wisely so that you are not burdened when paying. Complete all credit card and other debt, as soon as you pay admission. By paying off these bills, in the coming months you will not be burdened with debt again.

7. Investment
Invest your salary with the following insurance, mutual funds or depositing play money can be withdrawn as agreed. This way you save money is like discipline