Binoculars Stars

Binoculars Stars
a. Illustration telescope

A glass tube and some sheet named telescope was able to give us an understanding of the universe. Passed the age of four centuries, it still feels surprising and mysterious. Initially, Hans Lippershey want to make this kind of thing is not for the purpose of changing the idealistic universe. But otherwise, lensmaker Netherlands saw a business opportunity.

But the devices are made Lippershey was then changed mankind's view of 'distant objects' in 1608. Years in which prosper scientists and religious experts messy. Lippershey device consisting of a tube and a few pieces of glass which makes objects appear closer. He called it a 'visual apparatus'. While today we call a telescope.

When Galileo Galilei Lippershey heard about the new device, he then makes a kernel of the telescope itself. In 1609, he began using it to observe the night sky. Starting from observing the Moon through the Milky Way.

Galileo's telescope revealed that the universe is much broader than just the stars and planets visible to the naked eye we sendiri.Hal it provides strong scientific evidence to confirm that the Earth was not the center of the universe. Oops .. careful there are scholars who consider scriptural earth was the center of the universe.

Since then, the telescope has revealed another miracle that is: alias supernova pillar of star birth, colorful bubbles around a dying star, colliding galaxies, and maelstroms wrapping a giant black hole. It has helped to reveal the size and origin of the universe, and give clues about her fate.

Telescope is now a marvel of technology and science. Some units have an enormous mirror larger than the apartment, aka buangets Guede. Others, using the device does not need to be large, but are sensitive to radio waves, heat, or other energy types. Another cheat that stand higher than other telescopes. Whether on the mountain or in the earth's atmosphere like orbitkan The Hubble.

b. Binoculars Stars - World Observatory

The first astronomical observatory in the world that does not have a big telescope. Despite featuring some of the best and most accurate instrument ever made in prior periods, they just make it a little easier gap to help what astronomers have done for centuries: the night sky map by plotting the positions of stars and planets. Uraniborg is the first observatory known as the vision center ceiling or sky palace. The observatory was built by the Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe. He was one of the most talented Skywatchers in the history of science.

The observatory is designed and built more than a dozen major instrument for Uraniborg and second, the observatory Stjerneborg ("Castle of the Stars"), on the front page. The main instruments include the sextant (although without optical glass), quadrants, armillary sphere, and more.

All are tools for planning positions astronomical objects. Some of the measured object from a height of an object above the horizon or direction in the sky, while others measured the angle between the two target objects. With these instruments, Tycho star atlas produced the most accurate and detailed to date. He was able to plot the position of planetary motion as they moved back and forth across the sky.

Johannes Kepler then use this plot to catalog compiled laws that describe how the planets move around the Sun, confirming the view that the Earth was not the center of the universe. But Tycho instrument is basically designed as an extension of the human eye. They can look deeper into space and certainly not for all eyes. Thus, the ability of the observatory is to improve human understanding of the universe is so limited.

c. Binoculars Stars - Newton Telescope

While Newton telescope uses a mirror prism principle on astronomical objects, it leaves a rather distorted due to the curvature of the spherical mirror. Eventually, astronomers will adopt the design using a parabolic mirror with a mirror, not a round.

James Gregory proposes this design in 1663. But there is no way to make a parabolic mirror at the time, so the design is not implemented for decades. A replica of Newton telescope with a mirror made not of glass, but of a metal alloy that consists of three parts copper and one part tin. These materials are mixed with a small amount of arsenic, which will make it easier to polished metal.

So Newton invented a new kind of telescope presented to his colleagues in the British Royal Society in January 1672. Not use glass lenses, Newton's telescope uses two mirrors polished metal. Primary mirror, at the bottom of the telescope tube, slightly curved inward, in the form of a ball. (In other words, if you extend the curve mirrors into space, it will form a ball.) Light from astronomical objects will hit the mirror surface and reflected back to the telescope tube, where it will hit the secondary mirror is flat.

Mirror, which is tilted at a 45 degree angle, in turn, will reflect light into the lens of the eye at the edge of the tube. Observers can see the images of stars, planets or other astronomical objects.

d. Binoculars Star - Industrial Era

Industrial Age brought prosperity unprecedented. Agricultural mechanics and manufacturing of textiles, steam power for transport, fast communication over long distances, and other quality of life and create a modern middle class.

Industrial Age also created a bevy of wealthy industrialists. This new rich gradually became an impromptu astronomers, astronomy or a customer switching to astronomy itself. This class is called "astronomer jentlemen". They made significant discoveries and contribute to astronomy technology to design and build new equipment.

In 1846, for example, William Lassell, an artisan selling beer for shipyard workers in England discovered the first moon of the planet Uranus. He made the observatory itself and even designed a new type of mounting which makes it easier for the telescope to track the target.

The wealthy industrialist also financed the construction of some of the largest telescopes in the world that is still used today. These people are some of the dominant force in the field of astronomy during the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, helped set up observatories and institutions that will provide some of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century. These people include:

• Leviathan William Parsons, Earl of Rosse, built 'Leviathan of Parsonstown', a telescope with a 72-inch mirror.
• Discovery Spektoskop. Spectroscope Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen create a tool that would be the most important tool for future observation binoculars bintangik: spectroscope.
• Yerkes refractor. Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin inaugurated the 40-inch refractor, which remains the world's largest refractor.

In the 20th century the astronomer big is better aka "bigger is better." So the emerging giant telescopes like wildflowers on a sunny spring, providing astronomers with a more impressive view of the universe. For example, the Palomar Observatory in California dedicated telescope world's largest and most famous.

The problem is, in the modern observatory is plagued by the effects on the atmosphere. The same effect that causes stars to shine also makes them look like a fuzzy blob was visible through telescopes usual. Worse still, the atmosphere absorbs many wavelengths of energy, making it impossible to observe much of what happens in the universe.

The solution is to increase the telescope and its instruments is higher than ground level. At the beginning of the 20th century, which means building the observatory will be installed at the top of a high mountain or in the mountains or did the road dilofting with balloons.

In 1970, it could dilofting into Earth orbit or beyond the orbit such as the Hubble. Gives a crystal of planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe. Since then, astronomy institutes around the world have launched dozens of telescopes into space, and the results were spectacular.