Distribution in Islamic Economics



    The meaning of distribution in Islamic economics is very wide, which includes the ownership arrangements of production elements and sources of wealth. Where Islam allow common ownership and possession of a special, and put each of the rules for obtaining and using them, and rules - rules for inheritance, grants and wills. As Islam also has a political economy in distibusi income, both among the elements - the elements of production and between individual communities and groups - group, in addition to the return distribution of the social security system are presented in the teachings of Islam.
    Due attention to the dangers of wealth distribution are not on the distribution of rights and fraud in the course of this true, then the priority themes of Islam with great concern the distribution of which appears in some of the phenomena, which are most important are as follows: 
1) The number of Al Quran and Hadith texts Nabawi which includes the theme to explain the distribution management system, call for commitment and his ways are best and warn of deviations from the correct system. 

2) Islamic Shari'a not only establishes the principle - the general principles for the distribution and return distribution, but also elaborates a clear and straightforward way of distributing wealth and resources. 

3) The number and distribution komperhensifnya system and upheld in the way of Islam, either by way a must (mandatory) and volunteering (sunnah). 



2.1 Definition of

  According to the KBBI distribution the word “distribution” means (distribution, transmission) to some person or some place. While the distribution of the economic meaning of Islam is very broad, which includes the setting of ownership, production elements and sources of wealth. 

Allah says in Al- Qur’an: 

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"Are those who divide the mercy of your Lord? We have established between them their livelihood in the life of the world, and we have lifted up their above others some of degree....”

Islam justifies one has more wealth than the other all such property was acquired and who has been concerned has fulfilled its obligations to the public welfare, whether in the form of charity and other virtues such as charity and alms infaq. 

2.2 Distribution of Various Kinds of Islam 

A. Domestic Income Distribution 

  Distribution of household income can be highly context-related terminology shadaqoh. Shadaqoh sense here does not mean charity in the context of understanding Indonesian terminology. Because shadaqoh terminology in the context of the Qur'an can be understood in two aspects, such as:

The First: Instruments shadaqoh wajibah (compulsory and special subject for Muslims) are: 

1.Nafaqah : An unconditional obligation to provide all the needs of the people nearby. 

2.Zakat : The obligation of a Muslim to set aside part of his possessions, to be distributed to specific groups (eight asnaf). 

3.Udhiyah : Sacrifice cattle at the time of day tasyrik Idhul Adha celebration. 

4.Inheritance : The distribution of asset ownership to those who left after death. 

5.Musaadah : Provide assistance to others of the unfortunate. 

6.Jiwar : Assistance relating to the affairs of neighbors. 

7.Diyafah : Activities providing entertainment for guests .

The Second : shodaqoh nafilah Instruments (sunna and the special subject for Muslims) are: 

1. Infaq : Alms are to be given to other parties if the financial condition of the Muslim households were on nisab. 

2. Aqiqah : Cut a goat for a daughter and two goats for a boy of the newborn. 

3. Endowments : Providing assistance to the stake to the public welfare. 

The Third: The instrument had term / hudud (punishment) 

1.Expiation : Copies of the sins committed by a Muslim. 

2. Dam / diyat : ransom for not doing a service requirement in the implementation. 

3. Nudzur : the act of sacrifice to spend on some property he had to get the pleasure of Allah SWT, the successful achievement of that which makes his wish. 
  In contrast to any economic doctrine, the teachings of Islam in the distribution of household income recognize that strict priorities. Even related to the obligation of zakat, the Islamic teachings provide a number of requirements (special characteristics) on the assets required to zakat. Of ownership of assets, the first to be distributed (issued) of the total asset is the family's needs, and dahulikan pay the debt. 

Then from the rest of the existing assets, which should be prioritized is the distribution of zakat through the instrument. But it must be seen first character of the remaining assets, there are three, such as: 
Whether the asset is above nisab. 
Perfective Ownership. 
was even one year of ownership . 

2. Income Distribution In Country 
   In the management of available resources, the government (the State) should be able to properly distribute the land use / land and industry. Islamic teachings give authority to the government in determining land use policy for the State and public interests (rights Hima), the distribution of land (iqta rights) to the private sector, taxation, subsidies, and privileges of other non-monetary legally returned to the Shari'ah rules. All these features should be directed to fulfill the public interest and poverty exemption. 

In Islamic countries, fiscal policy is one of the devices to achieve the objectives described Islamic Imam al-Ghazali, including increasing welfare while keeping faith, life, intellect, wealth and property. At the time of prophethood and caliphate after that, the Muslims are quite experienced in implementing some of the instruments as fiscal policy, which was held at Baitul Maal institutions (national treasury). 

In Islam we know the concept of zakat, infaq, sadaqah, waqf etc. (ZISWA). Zakat is an obligation to issue a partial income or wealth of someone who has qualified for the Islamic sharia is given to the various elements of society that have been established in the Islamic sharia. While Infaq, sadaqah, Waqf is spending a 'voluntary' is also highly recommended in Islam. Thus ZISWA the elements contained in the fiscal policy. There are elements that are mandatory, such as charity, and some are voluntary as sadaqah, and waqaf infaq. Division in the activities of 'compulsory' and 'voluntary' is typical in the Islamic economic system, which distinguishes it from the market economy system. In a market economy there is no 'voluntary sector'