How to Wear Hijab Modern

How to Wear Hijab Modern
Ramadan more festive with different styles and fashion Muslim hijab latest. This is an opportunity for you who want to look fashionable but still modest in dress. Now it's a lot of models that you can wear hijab. Triangle hijab, hijab modern and much more to cover the hair and head. Let me not die with the model hijab style that's all we are dong may beautify themselves with modern hijab.

Beautiful dangle

1. Ciput wear and pair delicate veil over it and tie. Divided into two parts.
2. Bring the remaining part of the hood to the left to cover the neck.
3. Allow one more piece left on the right side.
4. Wrap head with a veil both.
5. Tie with style dangle loose and let it rest on the right. Now, wrap the rest of that first scarf on the head
6. Take the remaining two had hoods and crosses to the head.
7. Pull the rest of the second hood to the front like a necklace to give effect to dangle!


1. Use ciput, coat hood on it.
2. Pin Needle to neatly wrap the scarf dangling rear.
3. Tie the second veil over the hood first, divided into two parts.
4. Pull the hood second part, put on top of the first veil.
5. Cross another first hood on it.
6. Combine the two hoods by way of braided and tied with strong and pinned blotter.
7. Take only part of the second veil. Wrap to cover the neck.
8. The tip slid down a layer fabric hood and pinned blotter.