Tricks Wash Doll

Tricks Wash Doll
Cute doll is a toy for your daughter, not to mention the girls who love collecting dolls. Puppets can be used as a display or placed near the bed and sofa. But sometimes stuffed toy we unknowingly have been exposed to dust and dirty, can even cause illness in children. Well that dolls stay clean, you have to wash it at least once a month. Want to know how to wash and care for the right doll? Learn tips is yes:

- For a dusty dolls, you can wipe with a little warm water, tau may also use the vacuum cleaner.

- If the doll is too dirty, should be washed. Note also the label on the doll if it could be a washing machine or by hand

- Before washing it is worth examining the doll with the details, if there is a tear, if the tear should sew advance to avoiding a big tear when washed.

- Check for stains on the doll, if you can put a little detergent on the stain and leave it for a while before washing.

- Use a pillow to put the doll when washed in a washing machine, you can wash it with other clothes washing. When finished drying and comb doll hair.

- Avoid using a dryer, since there are several dolls material that shrinks and changes shape. Dry as usual by leaving it, as much as reasonably possible aerated and avoid direct sunlight.