Biography Of Ahmad Albar | Musicians Band God Bless

Biography Of Ahmad Albar | Musicians Band God Bless
Ahmad Albar Syech better known as Ahmad Albar (born in Surabaya, East Java, July 16, 1946, age 66 years) is an Indonesian singer and musician who is the lead vocalist of the band God Bless. Ahmad was born to Syech Albar and Farida Al-Hasni. Her mother divorced and then married to an artist, Jamaluddin Malik. From their marriage gave birth to a female artist, Camelia Malik. Ahmad Albar usually also on call with the nickname Iyek. Ahmad Albar was married to artist Rini S. Bono and has three sons: Fauzi Albar, an actor named Fachri Albar, and Fadli Albar.


Early career in the entertainment world, when it began to be known mostly kiddy movie star. General Mouse Deer, circa 1957. His career in music started since he was 11 years old, he and his friends formed a band called Stars Teen boy, when following the Boy Band Festival at Banteng Square, Jakarta. But two years later the band broke up. Together Titi Qadarsih he formed Kuarta tone. But the band did not last long before being dissolved.

Around the year 1960, Iye go to the Netherlands. In many countries windmill tulips overgrown rose, the second child of six brothers were not able to release the musical passion. He formed the band Take Five (1966-1967), who had followed the festival and won best vocalist. In the years 1967-1972 with the group Clover Leaf, Iyek spawn nine singles. Some of these songs, "Do not Spoil My Day" and "Grey Clouds" Dutch public interested enough in his day.

The end of 1972 with Ludwig Lemans, guitarist Clover Leaf, he visited Indonesia. In the homeland he saw and observed the musical life of Jakarta. Iye looking for musicians who would join him. Beginning in 1973, Iye with Fuad Hassan (drums), Donny Fattah (bass), Jockie Surjoprajogo (keyboards), and Ludwig Lemans (guitar) held a workout at the Top of the past two weeks, to face the music performance at Taman Ismail Marzuki on May 5, 1973. In practice they have agreed to form a group with the name of God Bless.

Success while released their debut album titled God Bless in 1975 making it a rock group group group rock concert opening the world "'Deep Purple'" in Jakarta. Ahmad Albar figure rocketed to superstar rock magazine Tempo, Indonesia and 27 September 1975 made him the main report to display photos on the front cover Albar.

Ahmad Albar who later formed the group with long curly frizzy Duo with vocalist Ucok Harahap AKA Band frizzy hair too. This duet album that spawned three Hell Hell (1977), Old Prostitute (1978), and Stage Plays (1978).

Ahmad Albar was disappointing when most fans dangdut album released in 1979 on the initiative of journalist Zakia titled music magazine Junior, Masheri Mansyur. Understand when it is still often regarded as the dangdut music plebeian by most people. The album contains nine tracks. Six works Albar is "Zakia", "For Treasure", "Red Rose", "The King Beetle", "God Exists" and "Frozen". The other three are "statement" (M Harris), "Sale" (Titiek Puspa), and "King Day" (Ian). Apparently the song "Zakia" he created "exploded" in the market. Guitarist Ian Antono who mix music is so good to hear. Not just singing dangdut, Ahmad Albar was played in the film "Rhythm of Love" with Elvy Sukaesih dangdut queen and duet brought five songs: "I'm Happy", "Pain Thumping", "You Should Know", "You Much" and "Leech Army ".

In 1980 God Bless issued a second album titled Mirror. Ian Antono joined the rock band. After that, God Bless the old vacuum but Ahmad Albar still go solo or performing with other singers such as Gito Rollies and Mus Mujiono.

Throughout the 1980s to the mid-1990s, Ahmad Albar out the album Poetry of Life (1980) with Ian Antono, World Huru Hara and the World Burned Fire (1988) made with musicians Areng Widodo, Kartika (1989) with Gito Rollies, album Secita Story, Steps must, and Scenario with Fariz RM, and Hand Steel with Farid Hardja, and Never There Wound (1996) with Nicky Astria lady rocker.

When searching for a vocalist who fronted Gong 2000 Ian Antono, Albert Wijaya, Yaya Muktio (drums), Harry Anggoman (keyboards) and Donny, the choice fell on Ahmad Albar, because he was considered the best at that. Gong Concert 2000 dated October 26, 1991 in the East Parking Senayan satisfying about 100,000 viewers a powerful sound system equipment 120 000 300 000 watts and watt-powered lights. This group produced four albums: East Coal (1991), Gong Live (1992), Warriors (1993), and the tempest (2000). Here Albar almost perfect God Bless second birth. Fans did not seem to care if they hear Gong 2000 or God Bless, all that matters is Ian, Donny, and Albar.

Iye also issued a solo album, the City Buses (1990), Who's Turn (1991), Rini Tomboy (1991), Waiting for Certainty (1992), Flower of Life (1994), Let Me Go (1994), and Full Revenge (1995) . Row, then God Bless issued a number of albums recorded as Black Ants (1988), Giant (1989), The Story of God Bless (1990), 18 Greatest Hits of God Bless (1992), and How Are You (1997). In addition to often perform concerts in many cities in the country, Ahmad Albar also had a concert abroad. On February 7, 2004 as he performed in Kuala Lumpur with God Bless enliven birthday Malaysian rock group Search.

After the concert, Albar immediately joined 11 young singers Ambassador (Sheila on 7), Armand Maulana (Dental), Fadly (Rice), Kikan (Chocolate), Andi (/ rif), Roy (Boomerang), Color, Audy, Queen, Rio Febrian, and Barry Manilow. They together sang "Our Home" taken from the album God Bless Black Ants.