Biography of Aristotle: Father of Science

Biography of Aristotle: Father of Science
Aristotle was born in Stagira, Macedonia, 384 BC. His father was a famous physicist. At the age of 17 years went to Athens Aristotle studied at Plato's Academy. He lived there for twenty years until Plato died shortly. From his father, Aristotle may get boost interest in biology and "practical knowledge". Under the tutelage of Plato he instilled an interest in philosophical speculation.

In 342 BC Aristotle returned to Macedonia, as a teacher of a child king thirteen years later in the famous history of Alexander the Great. Aristotle educate the young Alexander in years. In 335 BC, after Alexander ascended the throne of the kingdom, Aristotle returned to Athens and there opened his own school, the Lyceum. He was in Athens for twelve years, a period coinciding with the career military conquest Alexander. Alexander did not ask for advice to his former teacher, but she was kind enough to provide funds for Aristotle to conduct investigations. Maybe this is the first example in history of a scientist receives a large amount of funding from the government for the purposes of the investigation and it is also the last in the following centuries.

However, allied with Alexander containing various hazards. Aristotle rejected in principle how dictatorships and when the conqueror Alexander Alexander cousin to death on charges menghianat Aristotle, Alexander had thought well to kill Aristotle. On the one hand, Aristotle too democratic in the eyes of Alexander, he also has a close relationship with Alexander and trusted by the people of Athens. When Alexander died in 323 BC anti-Macedonian faction in power in Athens, and Aristotle was indicted insolent to the gods. Aristotle, Socrates recalled the fate of the previous 76 years, fled the city, saying he will not be given a second chance to the people of Athens to sin against the philosophers. Aristotle died in exile a few months later in the year 322 BC at the age of sixty-two years.

Aristotle with his student, Aristotle Alexander pure product numbers are astounding. Forty-seven of his work remains. Ancient records list no less than one hundred seventy books of his creation. In fact not just the large number of titles are impressive, but the wide range of resources which are the reflections of civilization is also no less-less great. Work really is a scientific encyclopedia of science for its time. Aristotle wrote about astronomy, zoology, embryologi, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, physiology, and his work is known in almost every period of ancient Greece. Scientific work, is, in part, a collection of knowledge gained from paid special assistants to collect data for her, while others are the result of a series of observations alone.

To become an expert at Topnotch in every branch of science is certainly a magical impossibilities and no duplicate someone in the decades afterward. But what has been achieved by Aristotle even more than that. He was an original philosopher, he was a major contributor in every important field of speculative philosophy, he wrote on ethics and metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, politics, rhetoric, beauty, education, poetry, customs retarded people and the constitution of Athens. One project is a collection of various domestic investigations were used for comparative studies.

In all likelihood, the most important of the many results of his work is the investigation of the theory of logic, and Aristotle regarded as the founder of this important branch of philosophy. It is actually due to the logical nature of Aristotle's way of thinking that enables them to offer so many disciplines. He's got talent set way of thinking, to formulate rules and the types which then became the basis of thinking in many areas of science. Aristotle never kejeblos into the mystical swamp or extreme. Aristotle always insist practical to express their opinions. Of course, the man his name, he also made mistakes. But it's amazing how few mistakes once he makes the vast encyclopedia.

Aristotle's influence on Western thinking behind today really deep. In ancient and medieval times, work was translated into Latin languages, Arabic, Italian, French, Hebrew, German and English. Greek writers of later, so did philosophers studied Byzantine and put his very admiration. It should also be noted, many of his thoughts on the influence of Islamic philosophers for centuries and writings dominated Western thinking. Ibn Rushd (Averroes), perhaps the most prominent Arab philosophers, trying to formulate a synthesis between Islamic theology with Aristotelian rationalism. Maimomides, the most prominent Jewish thinkers reached middle age with a synthesis of Judaism. However, the most glorious work of that kind of conduct is his Summa Theologia Christian scholars St. Thomas Aquinas. Beyond this list is still very much a middle-century intellectuals who are affected by it as Aristotle thought.

Admiration for Aristotle be so jumped in the middle of the century when the state already leads to idolatry. In those circumstances the writings of Aristotle is more a sort of wrap intellect questioned sniper spot problems more than the sort of torch lights the way. Aristotle was fond of researching and thinking about the particulars himself unmistakably less blindly agree with the praise of the next generation of the writings.

Some ideas of Aristotle seem reactionary measured with glasses now. For example, he supported slavery as it deems consistent with the line of the law of nature. And she believes women less dignity than men. Both of these ideas, of course, reflects the prevailing view at that time. However, no less than many fascinating ideas modern Aristotle, for example, the sentence, "Poverty is the father of revolution and crime," and the phrase "Those who are contemplating in the art of governing men must believe that something emperium fate depends on the education of children youth. "(Of course, when there was no school as we know it today).

In recent centuries, Aristotle's influence and reputation have declined not absurdly tall. However, I think the effect is so absorbing and lasted so long that I was sorry not to be placed higher than the order as it is today. Sequence current level is mainly due to significant the thirteen men who preceded him in the order.

Aristotle terms of creation are still using today:
Information, relationships, energy, quantity, quality, individual, substance, matter, essence, etc..
The greatest philosopher in the world throughout the ages, the father of Western civilization, the father of encyclopedias, the father of science, scientists or teachers are various nicknames given to these scientists. Various findings as well as the logic of the so-called logic is the knowledge about how to think well, true, and healthy, made his name so well known by everyone in the world has ever tasted education.

Born in Stagmirus, Macedonia. In the year 384 BC. This is the first person in the world who can prove that the Earth is round. Proving he does with the look eclipse. Ten types of words are known today as. Verbs, nouns, adjectives and so is sharing the results of his thinking said. He, too, who say that humans are social creatures.
Her father was Nicomachus, a physician at sitana Amyntas III, king Mecodinia, grandfather of Alexander the Great. Died when Aristotle was 15 years old. Karennanya, he kemudia maintained by Proxenus, pamanya-brothers from his father, at age 17 he entered the academy owned by Plato in Athens. Situlahia then become a disciple of Plato for 20 years

With the death of Plato in 347 BC. Aristotle left Athens and wandered for 12 years. In that time he established level academy in Assus and married Pythias who shortly afterwards died. He then married again with Herpyllis who later bore him a son who he named as his father Nicomachus. In the following years he knew also set up academy in Mytilele. That's when he had become the teacher of Alexander the Great for 3 thun.

At the Lyceum, Athens in 355 BC knowledge. He also established a kind of academy. This is where he was for 12 years lecturing, think, conduct research and experiment and take notes-calendar notes diligently and carefully.
In 323 BC, Alexander the Great died. Fearing killed Greeks who hate the followers of Alexander, Aristotle fled to Chalcis. But death did not recognize the place. Want to hide anywhere, when death has come no one can resist. So it is with these figures, one year after his escape to the city, which is exactly in 322 BC, at the age of 62 years he died also in the city, Chalcis Greece ..


- The greatest philosopher in the world throughout the ages.
- Mr. western civilization.
- Mr. or science teacher (her) scientists.

The findings:

- Logic mantic science: knowledge of how to think well, true, and healthy.
- Biology, physics, botany, astronomy, chemistry, meteorology, anatomy. Zoology, embryology, and experimental psychology