Biography of Theodore Roosevelt

Biography of Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.. (Born in New York City, in Gramercy, Manhattan, October 27, 1858 - died in Oyster Bay, New York, January 6, 1919 at the age of 60 years) is the President of the United States All 26 . Served two terms in the year 1901 to 1909. Before becoming President Roosevelt is vice president of the United States under President William McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt also known as TR calls, and in the community known as Teddy (although he himself did not like this nickname).

Name stuffed toy teddy bear, named after the president because of a time when she refused to hunt bear killed a child. He gained the presidency when he replaced the assassinated President William McKinley .

At the age of 42 years, Roosevelt was the youngest president of the United States. Roosevelt came from Republicans. In the first term he did not have a vice president, and the second term he is accompanied by Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks. The President is still a close relative of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the American President-32.

Early career

Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York on October 27, 1858 [9]. He came from a family that is. Before becoming president, Theodore Roosevelt had extensive experience. He was never a member of Parliament the state of New York, member of the Bureau of Human Resources Government of the United States, Chairman of the New York Police, Lieutenant Colonel in the Spanish American War, governor of New York, and Vice President of the U.S.


In 1901 when President William McKinley died from a terrorist shot. At that time, he became the youngest American president in U.S. history. As president, Theodore Roosevelt maintained that the government should: Being intermediate between economic factors as opposed to in the United States, particularly between employers and labor groups. Ensure justice for everyone and not biased.

And the president as "the leader of the people" should take whatever action in the interests of the people unless the acts expressly prohibited by law or the Constitution. President Theodore Roosevelt keep the big companies do not get playing politics and he forced the dissolution of large companies, for violating antitrust laws.

He was firm in his conviction that foreign countries should not be building a base in the Caribbean, and the United States is the only country that may interfere with other American countries. In 1905 President Theodore Roosevelt to calm the Nobel Peace Prize for reconciling Russia and Japan were at war. He is also the president of the United States of the first to use the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands.