Gout Ankle

Gout Ankle
Swelling of the ankle is an ankle inflammation due to accumulation of fluid in the ankle joint, or in the soft tissues around the ankle. Also known as edema in medical terms, swelling in the feet and ankles is a common disorder faced by the people, in different phases of their lives. Difficulty in walking, swelling and pain in the ankles, weight gain, headaches, increased urination, etc. are some of the common symptoms of ankle swelling. However, walking or standing for long periods of time jwaktu can also cause ankle swelling, but this condition can be eased himself, with adequate rest.

Cause Swelling In Ankle

Determine the actual cause of ankle swelling is the first step to finding effective treatment. Here are some common causes of ankle swelling:

1. Gout is a painful inflammation of the ankles due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the liquid ankle. Uric acid is a substance produced during the digestion process that helps the body get rid of waste materials and toxins. Patients who suffer from gout have abnormal accumulation of uric acid crystals in their joints which causes swelling and inflammation.

2. Ankle arthritis is another cause swelling in the ankle and occurs when the joint between the shin bone (tibia) and ankle bone (talus) aus. It can be painful and is more common in patients who are overweight, have rheumatoid arthritis or injury to the ankle joint.

3. Infection of the soft tissues around the ankle joint (cellulitis) or the joint itself (septic joint) is an unusual cause for a swollen ankle.

4. Abnormal blood flow can interfere with normal blood circulation in the body and cause swelling around your ankles. Blood clots are a type of clot that occurs in the legs and cause ankle swelling.

5. Other causes of ankle swelling was peripheral edema, which is a circulation problem that may occur in both legs. It can lead to chronic swelling in the ankle due to aging, pregnancy, excessive pressure on leg veins, obesity, varicose veins, etc.

6. Our bodies are well equipped to maintain the required water level and remove the rest. But sometimes the body fails to do so due to salt intake and excessive alcohol, lack of sweating, pregnancy, etc. As a result, the fluid will be collected in the ankle joint, causing swelling.

7. An ankle injury is one of the most common causes of ankle swelling, which usually occurs in physically active individuals. Any injury to the tibial tendon can cause severe pain and swelling around the ankle.

8. The use of laxatives can also cause ankle swelling.
A traumatic injuries such as ankle sprains, ankle fractures, can also cause swelling around the ankle joint. In women, menstruation and pregnancy can be the most common cause of ankle swelling.

9. Infection by pathogens, venous insufficiency, insect bites, malnutrition, intake of drugs such as steroids, estrogen, antidepressants, etc. are some other causes for swollen ankles. These are some of the major causes of ankle swelling.

10. Put your feet in a higher place, often prove to be helpful in treating this condition. If someone is suffering from water retention that lowering sodium intake will prove helpful in reducing ankle swelling.

To prevent this condition, it is best not to wear tight clothes. When traveling long distances, it is important to take regular breaks. Implementing a healthy diet and balanced in lifestyle and regular exercise are some effective measures to treat and prevent problems associated with ankle swelling.