Recognize Early Symptoms of Heart Disease

Recognize Early Symptoms of Heart Disease
Heart disease can affect anyone. Young age are also susceptible to the disease this one. The reason is the pattern of human life today is full of fragility. And the heart is the most important organ for sure someone can live. Who already have symptoms of heart pain then need to be more careful.

Heart disease includes coronary heart disease has become the leading cause of death in Indonesia and the world. In Indonesia, coronary heart disease ranks first as the most cause of death. Similarly, stroke, a disease which has the third largest percentage of the cause of death.

The heart is a muscular organ form, conical, hollow and with its base above and under. with peak in heart weight of approximately 300 grams. In order to function as the heart of an efficient pumping, heart muscles, upper cavity and bottom cavity must contract in turn. A heart rate or pump operation is controlled naturally by a "rhythm control" consisting of a group that specifically, called sinotrialis node, which is located within the wall of the right atrium. An electrical impulse is transmitted from the node to the second platform sinotrialis make them contract simultaneously. An electric current is then forwarded to the chamber walls, which in turn makes the chambers to contract simultaneously.

A heart attack is a condition when the damage suffered by the heart muscle (myocardium) due to very sudden reduced blood supply to it. Reduced blood supply to the heart suddenly can occur when one of the coronary arteries ter blockade for some time, either due to spasm - coronary arteries to tighten - or akibar blood lump-thrombus. Part of the heart muscle that is usually supplied by a pulse blockaded stop functioning properly immediately after splasme blow over, the symptoms disappear and the overall functioning of the heart muscle actually normal again. This is often called crescendo angina or coronary insufficiency. Conversely, if the blood supply to the heart at a standstill, the corresponding cells undergo permanent changes in just a few hours and had referred to the heart muscle deterioration or permanently damaged. Dead muscle is called infarction.

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. In a heart attack (myocardial infarction), part of the heart muscle to die when deprived of blood. To stay healthy, the heart needs oxygen and other nutrients carried by the blood. This is obtained through the arteries (blood vessels) coronary, which wrap around the outside of the heart. Blockage in one or more coronary arteries can cause a heart attack suddenly. The reason for asking the heart exceeds the available oxygen so that trigger heart attacks. If the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen for a long time, the surrounding tissue can be damaged. Unlike other tissues, the heart muscle does not regenerate. The longer the attack, the more damage to the heart and the more likely to die.

Chest pain is often underestimated by most people. In fact, pain in the chest is one of the symptoms of heart disease and blood vessels. Therefore, the number of symptoms associated with heart problems need to be identified early so that patients can quickly receive treatment quickly and effectively. A number of physical complaints should be wary as a symptom of heart disease is chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath, there is often a history of fainting, shortness when sleeping on your back, some blue body organs, as well as the stomach and the legs swell. Other symptoms experienced when a person develops heart disease is a severe pain in the chest accompanied by vomiting. "Taste depressed or like overwritten load, pain, pinched, squeezed, and burning in the chest and may spread to the left arm, neck, and back.

Here are the symptoms of heart disease, not always, but mostly. The symptoms are as follows:
  • Pain, As long as we do an activity, will feel pain in some parts of the body. Tersuplai muscle needs blood, oxygen and metabolic processes makes excessive cramping. Chest pain, shortness, because the heart muscle does not get enough blood. Pain is felt would happen almost every day.
  • Shortness of breath, fluid influx into the lung cavity thereby disrupting the flow of air in the lungs. Patients will experience shortness of breath. The patient felt shortness of breath while doing activities, moderate if shortness of breath at rest (silence) means the category of advanced heart disease. Shortness of breath is common in a reclining position. Because the fluid that accumulates in the lungs to flow to the heart.
  • Fatigue or weariness, weakened heart muscle causing blood pumping process is less than perfect. Patients often feel weak and tired despite not doing anything. To avoid weakening the function of the heart, we should regularly exercise and do a lot of movements that would trigger the heart work more actively.
  • Heart Palpitations (palpitations), heart palpitations sign of heart disease is a type of racing that in conjunction with other symptoms when someone fatigue, shortness of breath and pain in the body.
  • Dizziness and fainting, abnormal blood pumping so that income net blood becomes impaired, a person may feel dizzy from lack of blood. Heartbeat weakened resulting in the patient unconscious. Continuous pain, pain in the spine and brain disorders due to abnormal blood supply makes dizzy and collapsed.
In some people, symptoms of heart disease similar to the symptoms of colds dengna usual. If you find similar symptoms, better get to a doctor. Knowing early will help you overcome our health problems later in life.