Soursop Fruit Benefits for pregnant women

Soursop Fruit Benefits for pregnant women
Soursop fruit harmful if eaten in large doses can cause vomiting and suppress the cardiovascular system. It can also cause uterine contractions, which pregnant women should avoid it. All of these side effects may need to be considered before using it for the treatment of cancer or other diseases. So, soursop fruit, as well as other parts of the tree should be used only under the supervision of a doctor or health care provider.

Soursop Fruit Benefits for pregnant women? tailings fruit consumption should be avoided, if consumed in large amounts may be harmful.

Preventing complications of pregnancy (8% DV Folate)

Soursop fruit contains folate. Studies have proven that folate intake during pregnancy can make mineral deficiency in pregnant women. The lack of this mineral during pregnancy may cause birth defects and miscarriages.

During pregnancy, insulin production can be increased. For some women, the increase was not enough to prevent damage from blood sugar regulation. Blood sugar is too high, especially after eating. The increase in high blood sugar condition called gestational diabetes described (gestational diabetes).

The risk of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes increases the risk of complications during pregnancy, pregnant women and their babies at risk. The risk of complications in pregnant women with chronic hypertension (preeclampsia), edema (swelling), excessive amniotic fluid, the eldest child of normal size (macrosomia) and premature birth. Potential risks to children have jaundice, low blood sugar and breathing problems at birth.

Infants whose mothers had gestational diabetes tend to have a lot of weight, because it has much more insulin to control high blood sugar levels to ensure that the fat reserves and large networks. This process can be difficult and is often born by caesarean section. Children may have a low level of blood sugar (hypoglycemia), even after the birth of high insulin levels. Some research suggests that children of mothers who had gestational diabetes are at higher risk, have type 2 diabetes and obesity in adulthood.

Causes and risk factors

The cause of gestational diabetes, because of the need for insulin increases 2-3 times higher during pregnancy is suspected. On the other hand, the hormone needed to act, fetal growth, in contrast to stimulate insulin control. When you generate the effects of hormones on the ability of a mother's blood sugar levels enough insulin in the blood.

Women who are pregnant at the age of 30 years exposed to a higher risk of this disease. Other risk factors are heredity (especially if a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes or type 2), overweight (BMI over 25 kg/m2), diabetes is not the first pregnancy, and a history of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO).


Gestational diabetes is a temporary form of diabetes, which disappeared spontaneously after birth. During pregnancy, diabetes can be managed through diet and exercise, including:
• Increase the number of low-impact exercise safe swimming, running or gymnastics pregnancy
• Keep the amount of fat you eat
• Reduce your salt intake
• Add servings of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.
• Measurement of blood glucose on a regular basis is also necessary to ensure that the level does not rise too high, especially after eating. When blood sugar levels remain high, may need insulin injections.


Obesity is a risk factor for gestational diabetes. They are recommended for normal weight, to lose weight before pregnancy. Other risk factors such as heredity, age and disease history is something beyond your control.