7 Health Fact Of Honey

7 Health Fact Of Honey
Honey, healthy dishes, sweet, and delicious. We can even survive only by eating honey. Really? Here are some interesting facts about honey as quoted from the All Women Stalk.

1. food sources

Honey is a source of food that a person needs to live. In it contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even water.

2. make healthy

Honey also contains certain enzymes that help the body digest food and keep your immune system working properly. Overall, honey healthy for digestion, bones, and balance the weight.

3. cure

In addition to healthy, honey also is healing. Some health conditions that can be treated with honey is an allergy, infection, sore throat, and burns.

4. not stale

Honey can be stored without fear stale.

5. taste of honey

Honey has different flavors. That's because the difference in interest rates which is inhaled by the bees. Besides the taste, the color of honey is also distinguished by the type of flower.

6. pimple

Forget the expensive cleaners on the market if we want to try to cure acne. Use a mask of honey and leave for a few minutes before rinsing. Acne will gradually diminish.

7. beauty

Got dry skin? Or small wrinkles in the eye area? Apply honey to the face. Let stand for 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Honey is not only effective in terms of health, but also beauty.