7 Opportunity to Be Successful

7 Opportunity to Be Successful
Being a successful person will change your appearance. make yourselves therefore to always be successful in all areas, this means you can use your knowledge apapu have to be used with the aim of making you a successful person.

Make success as a valuable thing for yourself, but remember if you've succeeded, not to forget the mainland.

Here are 7 Opportunity to Be Successful

1. intention

Give a strong and sincere intention of doing something widened opportunities for yourself

2. healthy

success would be healthy. health is a matter that must be considered, because health is making an effort to keep the body strong and always ready to work

3. time

make time as a valuable opportunity. do not waste your time just to play. make the time as an opportunity for you to achieve success

4. toil

Hard work is an effort to achieve success. gain success can not stand idly by, there should be effort and Hard work

5. patient

Do not be in a hurry and want fast. For all things require patience

6. Positive Thinking

Always think positive to get something. keep the nature of envy and hate to everyone. when you work, be polite and subject workers as well as adherence to discipline

7. prayer

Do not forget to pray