Autodidact more creative than asking

Autodidact more creative than asking
Autodidact more creative than asking, yes, .. this is now arising in my mind. call it baim who want to know how to become number one in google search with the search words "Self-taught more creative than ask". certainly baim questions related to the title of the article.

question after question always waged baim to those who are experts in the field of SEO, for example, or who are already experienced. expressed various explanations, ranging from Seo tips, original articles, interesting post up a high pagerank. expert advice from those implemented by baim, but what happened, only 35% target achievement alone and far away from the target.

Why Self-taught more creative than the asking? this has been my feeling, self-taught is the result of our efforts in many ways, can be read, see, examine their own thinking even with logic.

when we try to do on my own business with the knowledge that we get, then when we succeed, that success is an absolute must to be a science or theory. and when we do not succeed, then automatically we will continue to strive to get our desired goals.

how an attempt to get rich quick, healthy business for, attempt to be the one who succeeded, be useful, then Self-taught more creative than the asking are things you can do, provided that you have to know the basic knowledge that could be their general.

an invention of the light bulb, for example, you definitely know who invented the light bulb for the first time, then how Thomas Alva Edison could invent a light bulb? the answer is with all his otodidakan he lavished by conducting various experiments of course.

of course this is a self-taught learning patterns typical patterns that should have certain people who really want to truly and really want to learn. perform self-taught in the pursuit of knowledge is not an easy thing, because it takes precision, persistence, patience and seriousness.