Bab 3 Research Methodology Bahasa Inggris UNIMA

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Chapter III
3.1 Research design
This research is a qualitative research and also called descriptive research. The writer chose this method because it is compatible with this research where the data are in form of words.
(Bogdan and biklen:1992:30)”Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected are in the form of words.  Bogdan and Biklen said “the data collected in qualitative research has been termed "soft", "that is, rich in description of people, places, and conversations, and not easily handled by statistical procedures." Researchers do not approach their research with specific questions to answer or hypotheses to test. They are concerned with understanding behavior from the subject's own frame of reference. Qualitative researcher believe that "multiple ways of interpreting experiences are available to each of us through interacting with others, and that it is the meaning of our experiences that constitutes reality. Reality, consequently is socially constructed.

3.2 Data Collection
The data in this research based on the lyrics composed by:  Dimmu Borgir, Pestilence, Manowar, Pantera, Suffocation, Cradle of filth, Canibal Corps, God of Darkness classified every vocal change (sounds change) in the music which consist of 14 songs lyric.
To collect the data the writer listened the music again and again and indentified all sounds change in the lyrics.
For example:
-          “Metal hear...”
Phonetic transcript (metl)
Become (metl)-/ (mtl)
Assimilation process: the alveolar plosive unvoiced sound (t) affects the back vocal sound (e) so that the noise (e) lost unvoiced.

3.3 Data analysis
In analyzing the data, the writer used the method from Bogdan and Biklen(1992) such as follows:
3.3.1 The activity of unitization.
In this activity, the writer gathered all the data that are in form of song lyrics
3.3.2 The activity of categorization
In this activity, the writer categorized the data based on the type of sound change
3.3.3 The activity of explanation
In this activity, the writer explained the song lyrics based on the type of sound    change.
3.3.4 The activity of interpretation
In this activity, the writer made a general conclusion about the topic.