Change and Development

Communities that have developed (advanced) undergone many changes both in the economic, political, social and other, it is experienced by the community. The changes is the influence of the advancement of science, technology and the transformation of the foundation to foster development in all fields. Real change will happen for people to realize modern life. Din Samsuddin say bring one form of social change is often a debate in the developing countries is the change produced by the development (modernization). Development is a life long process of transition from traditional to advanced life (modern). [1]

Rogers defines as dikutif by Zulkarimin modernization is a process of development at the level or levels of the social system, while showing the modernization process that occurs in an individual, therefore, is a natural change throughout society. [2]

Any anyone who spearheaded the movement and plan changes that can be categorized as an agent of social change. The change agent is someone who helps the implementation of the social changes that are planned or enovasi. As for the role of change agents in the community development process according O.Gorman Nasution was quoted as saying by Zulkarimen are:
  • Identifying goals and issues
  • To identify the utilization of resources and organizational leadership
  • Priority setting, planning and evaluation. [3]
Progress experienced by the region in all fields at this time can not be separated from the role of change agent. The changes are intended as a form of development that is being felt by the public. Development will be done if, the development itself is done with the planned change, to review the elements which are needed in the development process itself.

  • [1] M.Din Samsuddin, Ethics in building civil society, (Jakarta: Logos, 2000), h.213
  • [2] Zulkarimein Nasution, Communications Development: Introduction to theory and practice (revised ed), London: King Garafindo Persada, 1995), p. 66
  • [3] Ibid, h.129