Education In the Middle Ages

Great monastic nations, especially Christians who adhered to further optimize the role of the church in education. By doing so, pastors and priests here pemukan role not only as a religion but as a teacher of religious values ​​to children. Until the pattern and purpose of education is to attempt to participate fully in the religious world. As an example that students are taught how to calculate simple, it is intended that they be counting the days and know kapa kegamaan festival will be held until they can participate fully.

At this time, education in general recognize seven educational materials or called by the seven liberal arts. Seventh is divided circumstances amteri two levels, the first consisting of, grammar, rhetoric and logic, while the second is: arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. At this time, scholars are more interested in the study of revealed truth, not the activity of observation, questioning and testing the truth of something. With so many of their activity is debate about the theories that have been widely accepted without testing and attention to the existence of the theory.

Some of the difficulties that will be encountered during this period is that the role of the churches are sometimes not as enlightened sense but rather the dogma, and scholars often receive a geraja truth claims that have no reason and can not be proven. Features that will be found in the future of education is that women are no longer denied in education.


Signufikan changes that occur during Renassains is the nature of education itself. The general trend that emerged in the past Renessains education is that education should include education intellectually, spiritually and physically to menadapatkan better life. While the content of education are in fact not much different from the previous era of education, there are only a few additional items such as: history, games and physical exercises.

The Reformation

One factor in particular the emergence of the reform era in education is the domination of the church on his people thought. In this case the Protestants more emphasis on universal education that not only accept the children of the rich alone, but all human beings have an equal right to education.

Europe: Ages 17-18 M.

A stagnation in education occurred in the 17th and 18th centuries AD, in which the teachers inmpotent, not only knew about the creative and harsh discipline. Method often used is mengahapal word or phrase that sometimes students do not understand. But there are also major developments in education at this time. Many of the great figures of education born in this century, such as John Amus Comenius (1592-1670). One idea is that a good education should also be obtained by a small child. Observations of the children concluded that children are not miniature man, woman, thus, a good education for the children not only to teach the names, but also to show them the object directly. This theory is further known as the theory of the world in the picture. In addition there are also some philosophers he is really active in developing education, such as John Locke with his theory that a small child is like a blank sheet. In addition to the figures above, there is also such Jackque Jean Rousseau (1712-1778).

American colonies: 17-18 centuries.

Suspected that the first formal school here didiraka the 17th century. But the children of the poor will not be able to taste education in schools, they just learn from daily life. Meanwhile, at school taught the same as in other nations-the ability to write and read. Formal education in this area many tercorak by European education, such as the material being taught to his book, and also a strong religious patterns in the two regions.

Europe: Century! 9 M

At this time, in Europe appear new spirit in education, along with a high spirit of nationalism. The new spirit is that education can brighten the life of the country as private life. Women also have a place in education although slowly. At this time there have been high school for them. Broadly, it can be said that the schools in the 19th century has many similarities to the 16th century school, 17 and 18. but the next time Herbart's method can be proven wrong. Formal learning is not only in the classroom, but also often held in the factories or practice. While the teachers, many of them are taught in school because it is difficult to get a job other than that.

One of the characters that appear in this century was Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827). School he founded to invite the attention of many people. This school can be said to be a real school for the kids real well, not as miniature adults. The children tried to be active in school by playing around, so they will develop naturally and that's the purpose of education. Ii century figures also appear Wilhelm Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) who first established the kindergarten or children's playground. Is there any other figures Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841). He said that education is an attempt to strengthen the power of reason.

United States: 19th Century

In this century, the changes in American education is the advancement of education with the support of the state, which is a school for all children. It began when Massachusetts established the state education agency and appoint Horace Mann as secretary. One dicapat progress is Touch ups by Mann teacher quality by conducting trainings. In the next period and then popping high school although not established by the state.

Changes In The World Education: Ages 20 M

There are many changes taking place in education in the 20th century AD schools there are now more sistemtis and interesting. The classroom consists of a bench and a table that can be changed at any time, the teachers also have books that will be taught to children, students ana not work individually, but also often as team work, religious activities ranging from reading a favorite book, writing , drawing, playing, spelling and so on. In essence, the children learn by doing.

Of course, these changes will not be separated completely with the changes that occurred in the past. Angapan emerging in the world of public education in this period is that the child does not have sufficient ability to learn a few things like yahg owned by adults, so should the methods used should not be the same.