Understanding emotions
The word emotion comes from the Latin, which emovere, which means moving away. Meaning of this word implies that the tendency to act is implicit in emotion. According to Daniel Goleman (2002: 411) refers to a feeling of emotion and thought are typical, a state and a series of biological and psychological tendencies to act. Emotion is basically impulse to act. Usually emotions are reactions to stimuli from outside and within the individual. For example excited emotions drive change a person's mood, so physiologically seen laughing, sad emotion crying encourage someone behaves.
Emotional and physiological changes associated with various thoughts. Thus, emotion is one important aspect of human life, because emotions can be a motivator of behavior in the sense of improving, but it can also interfere with human intentional behavior (Prawitasari, 1995). Some figures put forward about the various emotions, such as Descartes. According to Descartes, emotions are divided into: Desire (desire), hate (hate), Sorrow (sadness / grief), Wonder (wonder), Love (love) and Joy (joy). While JB Watson presents three kinds of emotions, namely fear (fear), Rage (anger), Love (love).
Daniel Goleman (2002: 411) suggests some kind of emotion that is not much different from the above two figures, namely:
a. Anger: fury, rage, hate, annoyed, upset heart
b. Sadness: poignant, sad, grim, grim, melancholy, self love, despair
c. Fear: anxious, nervous, worried, anxious, feeling scared, wary, edgy, horror
d. Enjoyment: happy, happy, cheerful, contented, cheerful, happy, amused, proud
e. Love: acceptance, friendship, trust, kindness, a sense of close, devotion, respect, romance, love
f. Surprised: gasp, shocked
g. Miffed: contempt, contempt, disgust, nausea, did not like
h. embarrassed: embarrassed, upset
As described above, that all emotion by Goleman is basically impulse to act. So the range of emotions that encourage individuals to respond or act against the existing stimulus. In the discussion of Aristotle's Ethics Nicomachea philosophy of virtue, character and right living, the challenge is to master our emotional life with intelligence. Lust, if trained properly will have wisdom; lust guiding ideas, values, and our survival. However, passion can easily spiral out of control, and it is often the case. According to Aristotle, the problem is not about emotionality, but the alignment between emotions and how to express (Goleman, 2002: xvi).
According to Mayer (Goleman, 2002: 65) people tend to adopt distinctive styles to handle and cope with their emotions, namely: self-conscious, immersed in the issues, and resigned. By looking at the situation it is important that every individual has the emotional intelligence in order to make life more meaningful and not made to live life in vain. Based on the above description, it can be concluded that emotion is a feeling (affective) that encourages individuals to respond or act against the stimulus, both from within and from outside him.