How to cope with children who are lazy to learn

How to cope with children who are lazy to learn
1. Looking for Information
Parents should ask the child to obtain precise information about him. Look for the right circumstances to be able to communicate openly with him. After that invite children to reveal the cause he was lazy learning. Use any such relaxed atmosphere while helping mom in the kitchen, take a walk or while playing, do not have to make a formal child can not open her problems.

2. Made a joint agreement between parent and child
A deal was made to create a state and responsibility and motivate children to learn not to impose the will of the parents. The deal was made starting from waking up to going to bed time, both in terms of hours learning routines, learning a long time, hours of study when you have homework or not, hours of study in school holiday time, what if the learning outcomes are good or bad, what reward or sanction must be accepted, and so on. Even if there are sanctions to be made or agreed upon, let the children decide as proof of responsibility to something that will be mutually agreed.

3. Creating the Discipline
It is not an easy thing to create a discipline to the child if the parents are not starting. Parents who are used to show discipline in daily life will be easily followed by his son. Parents can create the discipline of learning is being implemented consistently and continuously. Exercise of discipline can begin preparing learning tools, textbooks, school assignments reminding, asking lessons learned material, or asking the difficulties encountered in a particular subject, regardless of the presence or absence of school work.

4. Enforcing Discipline
Enforcing discipline should be done when the child begins to leave the agreements that have been agreed upon. When children do as much as possible to avoid sanctions violations that are physical (tweaked, poked, pinched, or hit). To divert use logical consequences that can be accepted by the mind of children. When can do activities together in one room while children learn, parents can while reading the newspaper, magazine, or other activities that do not interfere with the child in the room. Thus enforce discipline in children is not always the messenger or screaming while the parents perform other activities such as watching television or working in the kitchen.

5. Assertiveness Attitude
Assertiveness attitude is done by the parents no longer tolerate the abuses child does repeatedly. This attitude of firmness worn while the child is totally rejected and denied by the made-up reasons. Even with the applicable child accidentally 'dishonest' conduct activities other intentional to pass hours of study. Assertiveness is an attitude that is needed to provide the agreed sanctions and ready to accept the consequences of the offense.

6. Creating Atmosphere Study
Create a good learning atmosphere and comfortable is the responsibility of parents. At least the parents meet the needs of a learning tool, giving attention by directing and assisting children while learning. As a distraction parent can also provide educational games that are not tense atmosphere of learning and continues to attract attention.

Turns lazy learning experienced by many children due to various factors. Therefore, before the child already scored unsatisfactory and embarrassing to my parents, parents should immediately investigate the child's interest in learning and attention. In addition, the initiative fosters independent learning in children, instilling awareness and responsibility as a student in children is another useful long term. If these six steps can be applied to the child, then it should not adalagi complaints from parents about their children learning that lazy or cranky child because his parents always scolded.