Identity Template

Identity Template
A. Definition Template

Templates can generally be interpreted as a dress or outfit from a blog or website. While significant in terms of a design template blog page or website with all its associated components, such as images, widgets, and other search menu. In the world of bloggers, the template is not foreign to be heard, even almost all bloggers know and understand about the template.

B. Types of Templates

Currently only the template is divided into two models Courant. In the review of the usefulness and interest of people towards this type of template. The type of template that is often used by many people is that berbasic template blogger and wordpress.

Furthermore, Joomla is also a new breakthrough in the design of a template, but because the arrangements are a little complicated than Blogger and wordpress template models for a website, then Joomla is not so well known, and very few people are using the template of joomla.

C. Benefits and Objectives Template

Likened to us as human beings, then we need an outfit. Clothing memperlihat appearance standards which we show to people. Like a house, then the house knick knacks need to embellish and support the house itself.

From the illustration above can be explained that the aim of facilitating template necessities required in creating a blog, such as widgets, images, navigation, posting and so forth. Benefits of blogs in addition to supporting and facilitating components in a blog or website, the template is also useful for blogs that can beautify and make us comfortable when blog visitors on our blog.