Personality characteristics

Experts are still very diverse in giving the formulation of personality. In a literature study conducted by Gordon W. Allport (Calvin S. Hall and Gardner Lindzey, 2005) found nearly 50 definitions of different personalities. Departing from studies that did, he finally found a formula of which is considered a more complete personality. According to his opinion that the personality is the dynamic organization within the individual as a psycho-physical systems that determine the unique way in adapting to its environment. Keywords of understanding personality is adjustment. Schneider (1964) defines adaptation as "a process of individual responses both behavioral and mentally in an effort to address the needs of the self, emotional tension, frustration and conflict, and preserve a balance between the needs of the demands (norms) environment.

While that is a unique behavior that is typical of the quality that can be distinguished between one individual with another individual. Its uniqueness is supported by a state of psycho-physical structure, such as the constitution and physical condition, appearance, hormones, cognitive and affective aspects are interconnected and influence, so as to determine the quality of the actions or behavior of the individual concerned in interacting with its environment.

To describe an individual's personality, there are several theories that have been widely known personalities, including: Sigmund Freud's theory of Psychoanalysis, Analytical theory of Carl Gustav Jung, Social Psychological theories of Adler, Fromm, Horney and Sullivan, Personologi theories of Murray, Field theory of Kurt Lewin, Allport's theory of Individual Psychology, Stimulus-response theory of Throndike, Hull, Watson, The Self theories of Carl Rogers and so on. Meanwhile, Abin Shamsuddin (2003) argued about aspects of personality, in which covering:
  1. Character namely whether or not to comply with the consequent ethical behavior, whether or not in holding consistent establishment or opinions.
  2. Temperament is a reactive disposition, or how quickly react to the stimuli coming from the environment.
  3. Attitudes; welcome to the object that is positive, negative or ambivalent.
  4. Emotional stability is the stability of levels of emotional reactions to stimuli from the environment. Like the least offended easily, angry, sad, or hopeless
  5. Responsibility (responsibility) is a readiness to accept the risk of acts or deeds done. Like to accept reasonable risk, washing hands, or run away from risk.
  6. Sociability that personal dispositions related to interpersonal relationships. Such as: a personal nature that is open or closed, and the ability to communicate with others.