In this section we will set out the findings of research related to the theory / model elaboration as a way to organize the learning content. So far, there have been several studies that tested the effectiveness of the theory / model. The studies carried out by Hanclosky (1986), Degeng (1988, 1994a, 1994b), and Sukarnyana Degeng (1994), Wedman and Smith (1989), Lusiana (1992), and Anitah 1996. The studies are intended to test only one component of the strategy is also presented here. Are included in this group is the provision of a study to test the validity of the strategy component summaries, learning objectives notice before learning starts, pretest given before learning, advance organizer, epitome, analogy, pensistesis, and mnemonics. All components of this strategy, except pensintesis and summaries, can be grouped into the initial components of the strategy are usually displayed in the early stages of learning.
Summary, which serves to conduct the review of the content that has been studied, and pensintesis, which serves to demonstrate the link between the content that is learned, usually displayed at the final stage of learning. Knowledge mnemonics and analogies, in addition can be displayed as an initial strategy, can also be displayed during the lesson. Research findings regarding these variables are presented below.
Research findings on the Theory Elaboration As a model that seeks to integrate the strategies that have been proven valid, as has been discussed previously, the model requires the elaboration of empirical evidence to strengthen the foundation teoritiknya. Studies on this subject are described in the following sections. Until now, existing research findings on the validity of the theory of elaboration as a strategy for SASI organization learning content.
Hanclosky (1986) was the first to conduct research on this strategy by comparing. donations elaboration theory, advance organizer, and analysis tasks in learning concepts and principles. One of a number of hypotheses tested is that to learn the concepts and principles of elaboration theory is superior, when compared with the advance organization Nizer and analysis tasks. The predicted results as occurred in the post-test. Similar results were also predicted occurred in tests conducted after five weeks post-test. This hypothesis is supported by the results of research trials, however, is not the case by the end of the study. Final study found conflicting results with research trials. To learn the concept, the group that received treatment superior task analysis