Secret Power of Subconscious

Secret Power of Subconscious
Humans have one mind, with two scopes: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The difference is, the conscious mind capable of reasoning, comparing good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative. The conscious mind does not make sense that which is positive and which is negative, what is right and what is wrong. And the unconscious mind, according to this author, Joseph Murphy, has tremendous power, which can be used for various purposes. "In your subconscious mind is infinite wisdom, infinite power, and infinite supply of all your needs, the wait is developed and expressed," Murphy writes (p. 3).

Between the last two minds scope has a close connection. The conscious mind gives the order, whether consciously or not, to the subconscious mind. When a person thinks, "I can reach it," meaning the mind commands to the subconscious mind. Similarly, when a person thinks, "Oh, I could not," it means that instructions to the subconscious mind to execute it. And by the time the instruction was coming, that the conscious mind to work right away without the need to prove it, and without knowing the time, even when we are sleeping soundly.

When we think positively, the subconscious mind instantly reacts to implement positive ideas earlier. Murphy gave an example, when one thinks about peace, happiness, health, and wealth, then the subconscious mind receives the ideas and work to make it happen. Conversely, when someone thinks negatively, such as helplessness, the inability to do something, then the subconscious mind also works embody the idea or negative impression.

Therefore, the nature of one's jealous of the happiness it will hinder us to get happiness. Murphy gave an example, when we do not like other people have so many deposits in their accounts, while we can only save a little by little, it means we have to put ourselves into a position that is very negative; "Therefore, wealth flows from us, not to us . "(pp. 119). To neutralize the negative thoughts, Murphy suggested that we should immediately declare to ourselves that we are praying for it to be more abundant wealth.

So, what are the objectives to empower the subconscious mind? The simplest suggestion is to overcome fear, anxiety, and so on. Another goal is for mental healing, even for healing of physical illnesses. How about for wealth? The subconscious mind can be utilized to gain wealth! How the technique? When you go to sleep at night, Murphy advised to practice techniques: repeating the words "wealth" with a calm, relaxed and full of feeling. In this regard, the author of this book emphasizes, among others: The conscious mind and the subconscious mind must agree to assert dominant ideas about wealth, not poverty. So, what does he think about working hard to earn wealth. Murphy argues that trying to amass a fortune by stream of sweat and backbreaking work is one way to become the richest man in the grave.

Another technique is to train the subconscious mind to forgive, which is important for healing. Irritated even his enemies let alone condemn others can cause a variety of diseases. Murphy forgive techniques described are as follows: Calm your mind, be relaxed, and let it all happen. Then, say, "I release everyone and everyone who had hurt me, and I pray for health, happiness, peace, and all the blessings of life for everyone."