The general objective of education is to develop the Indonesian people fully in the sense that education is done while maintaining the unity, diversity, develop individual goals. Every citizen has the right to education evenly with excellence (excellence) and balance (equity) between utilization (acces) with achievement (achievement). This lofty goal will be achieved if carried out educational activities and responsible for ensuring the academic quality of the design, management of the educational process, based on the concept of growth, development, renewal, and sustainability so that education should be managed professionally. Education sector on which so many hopes to be able to produce quality resources, often breathless faced with serious problems due to the development of a continuous and very fast. Educational experience fatigue and helplessness, which is called by Coombs as education crisis. Indonesia was not the only nation that was mengghadapi condition this dilemma.
English nation is also facing the same problem, namely education, declining academic quality and economically weak low access to higher education. In The Economist magazine issue 8 September 2005, disclosed the results of a survey of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2004, of the top 20 world universities, academic slump experienced by the 17 universities in the United States, 2 and 1 college English Japanese universities. The article also reveals unequal access between the 2 countries, only 16 percent of children less fortunate families in the UK to get access to higher education, whereas in the United States more than 45 percent.
In Indonesia, the level of human development index (HDI) which measures the comparison of life expectancy, literacy, education, and standard of living has not moved up significantly, this ranking does not vary much with the newly independent country of Vietnam (Table 1), while access to education for ages 19-24 years enrolled as a student in Indonesia is also not encouraging at 14 percent. Conditions for continued participation in higher education is still low when compared with Malaysia (38 percent) or Egypt (30 percent).
Amid the state of education in Indonesia as it is today, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) which is one of Private Universities (PTS) which are the largest in East Java, are encouraged to not cease to make arrangements so that the education system to be a center of excellence of various things the community needs with an emphasis on Quality, Efficiency and Relevance in an attempt to make the UMM as a real university that relies on excellence and keterdepanan, as the vision, mission, and goals set. The vision and mission of the university reflects the intrinsic quality of the multi-faceted approach and multidimensional.