The Motivation to Learn

The Motivation to Learn
According to Schunk, motivation is referring to the process by which advice is directed behavior, courted and supported. Motivation is also a job associated with a game concept interconnected. (weiner, 1990, p. 621), for example, the teachers said that the students are not motivated, when they learned half-hearted, menyeleaikan task simply because of external rewards, or spend time with useless against learning tasks (like the fantasies of ballet, instead of working on the fragments). Lack of motivation also occur when students reject easily associated with learning tasks or failed to act in helping them to complete it successfully.

Question what lies behind the motivation and how teachers can motivate students with effective ways. This has been the subject of investigation for many years. The study of motivation for teachers of course includes the study of learning. Sebagaiamana said Weiner (1990), "motivation is often drawn conclusions from learning, and learning is usually an indicator of motivation for educational psychology".

learning motivation is dominant in the field of psychology. The era of 1930s and 1940s psychologists stringing motivation as "a thing that can move the organs that are resting to a union activities". Hull has developed a theory of learning in which behavior is considered to be as a result of stimulation of the anticipated target. Thus, behavior is motivated toward the target because of the requirement (usually biological), such as the need to eat, sex, or protection. Learning occurs when the response is amplified and stimuli that motivate behavior at the beginning abated. Further learning is likely to occur without a clear motivation, therefore psychologists argue that motivation is closely related to the usefulness of science, not science.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the exchange from the perspective of cognitive behavior in American psychology has brought the reintegration of motivation to learning. Giving a gift (reward) for students as a means of control tends to reduce the natural talent in the learning task (Deci, 1975). David McClelland and John Atkinson sought to understand why some people are trying hard to get, while some others do not. It is assumed that a high need for achievement to develop in children whose parents emphasize achievement and competitive in the house. But the achievement motivation may occur situationally where individuals will work harder in certain conditions, such as special test instructor, competitive environment and failure (Atkinson, 1964).