Understanding Social Change

Change is defined as a case or circumstances change, transition and exchange. [1] Thus, change is a process that resulted in the current situation is different from the previous state, because of a change or exchange. William F.Ogburn impose limits on the meaning of social change only on the elements of culture. [2] Kingsley Davis argued that social change is a change in the structure of society. For example, with the onset of labor in capitalist society organizations, changes occur in the relationship between workers and employers, further changes in the economic and political organization. [3]

Changes have a broad aspect, including with regard to values, norms, behavior, social organization, social layers, power, authority and social intraksi. According Koenjaraningrat social change itself includes the values ​​of the culture that was material and necessary to reach a common goal. Thus society is a social group who inhabit a place. The term social itself socially as well as used to describe the relationship between man and his life, this happens to people on a regular basis, so that's how this relationship changed in the course of time, thus leading to changes in society. [4]

Change is a social process experienced by the community as well as all the elements of culture and social system, in which all levels of public life voluntarily or influenced by external elements leave the patterns of life, cultural and social system soon adapt or use pattern- patterns of life, culture, and a new social system. [5] As has been diaungkapkan above changes are as a matter or circumstances change, transition and exchange, the change itself happens to need a process that will lead to social change. Thus the change is a process that resulted in a state different from the state have now previous.

  • [1] Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesian General Dictionary, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1995), h.1984.
  • [2] William F.Ogburn, Social Change, (New York: Viking Press, 1982), p.7
  • [3] Soerjono Soekanto, An Introduction to Sociology, (New York: Foundation Publishers, University of Indonesia, 1974), h.217
  • [4] Sidi Gazalba, Islamic Culture and Social Change: Studies of the Islamic Community Change, (New York: Library of al-Husna, 1983), p. 15
  • [5] Burhanuddin Bungin, Sociology of Communication Theory, paradigms, and Communication Technology in Public Discourse, (New York: Dawn Interpratama Offset, 2006), h.92