7 Natural Ways to Treat Cough

7 Natural Ways to Treat Cough
Cough include mild disease, but it is quite disturbing especially when the weather is not good. would be devastating if not treated immediately. Treating Cough with using drugs or syrup is not the only way to Treat Cough, Cough Healing the natural way can be another alternative and reliable and has been since the days of our ancestors.

Here's 7 Natural Ways to Treat Cough

1. Ginger tea

In Asia, herbal tea, ginger tea, or other types of tea is often used to treat a cough. One of the powerful ingredients to treat cough is ginger. Provide 2-3 slices of ginger that has been washed clean, pour the hot tea. Best taken two to three times a day.

2. Turmeric

Add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and honey that has been pounded into a glass of milk. Turmeric has natural properties that can relieve cough.

3. Honey and Pepper White

Try drinking a teaspoon of honey plus a sprinkling of white pepper 2-3 times a day. This material believed to cure cough.

4. Betel leaf

The trick, take the betel leaves about five pieces, add cloves, cubeb, cardamom, and cinnamon. Then boiled all the ingredients with water by two cups. Wait until the cooking water to about one half cup. Remove and strain the water. Drink approximately one tablespoon three times a day.

5. Lemon

Lemon juice can also be used to treat coughs. Feeling dicampus lime juice with honey and boiled water. 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey and 5 tablespoons lukewarm water steamed for 30 minutes. Dose to drink this potion is 1 teaspoon twice a day. Other traditional cough medicine made from a mixture of lime jerun lemon and soy sauce. This herb is more easy, just lemon juice mixed with soy sauce and taken twice daily as much as a teaspoon.

6. Young leaves Acid

Young leaves can also serve acid cure dry cough. Way, take leaves of young acid half cell, then mix with sweet sage leaves, cinnamon, and sugar cubes to taste. Simmer over low heat until boiling and filtered. Ready to drink potions.

7. Plants Serai

To treat a cough with phlegm we can use lemongrass plant. Lemongrass has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat a cough at the source, the inflammation in the airways. This herb is very easy to cook, how to prepare a few grams of lemon grass roots, then washed, then boiled with one cup of water for about 15 minutes. Once the new cold can be consumed. This herbal drink one glass a day can be consumed.