Makalah Prophet Muhammad PBUH


Prophet Muhammad is a light bearer of truth to all mankind, falsifies the teachings of the previous prophets, seal of the prophets and no prophet or whatever revelation God revealed after the death of King Mohammed. Noblest Prophet Muhammad is the messenger sent by Allah as a mercy for all carrier hosts.
He covered all the inner goodness of God's creation. In carrying out missionary treatise, he was assisted by his companions. The companion of the Prophet is the best generation that was born from education directly from the Prophet. They always make the behavior, words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad as an example and role model of life. They have become the best generation for following the Prophet of Islam brought light. And as generations Islam then naturally we always remember all the things about the Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Muhammad as an example to make a model for us.
Based on the above, I will discuss about the Prophet Muhammad, in detail again which will be explained in the next chapter.


A.      Birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Prophet Muhammad was born in the family of Bani Hashim in Mecca on Monday, the 9th of Rabi al-Awwal, in the Year of the Elephant. So named because in the army of Abraha, the governor of the kingdom of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), riding an elephant attacked the city of Mecca to demolish the Ka’ba on 20 or 22 April of the year 571 AD this research is based on well-known scholar, Muhammad Sulaiman Al-Manshurfury and astronomy researchers, Mahmud Pasha. [1]
Prophet Muhammad was born of a respectable family is relatively poor. His father Abdullah son Abdul Muttalib, the chief of the tribe of Quraish that effect. His mother is Aminah bint Wahab of the sons of Venus. Muhammad was born in an orphan because his father died when Aminah conceived at the age of three months. [2]
Prophecy about the birth of the Prophet Muhammad can be found in the previous scriptures. The Qur'an also states that the birth of the Prophet Muhammad was foretold by all the prophets before Muhammad. This has been described in the Qur'an Surah Al 'Imran verse 81:
"And (remember) when Allah took a covenant from the prophets:" Really, what I give you a Book and Wisdom then come unto you an Apostle confirming what you have, surely you will truly believe in him and help him". Allah says: "Do ye agree, and take this my Covenant as binding on you?" They replied: "We agree." Allah says: "Then bear witness (O the Prophet) and I bear witness (also) with you".
Not long after his birth, left to Tsuwaibah Muhammad, the slave girl of his uncle, Abu Lahab, who never breastfed Hamzah. Although raised by him only a few days, prophets keep a deep sense of family and always respected him. Furthermore suckled by Halimah, a Bedouin woman from the tribe of Bani Sa'ad. Prophet Muhammad fosterage carefully and lovingly, and grow into healthy children and stocky. At the age of five, Halimah returned the Prophet to his mother.
At the age of six years old, her mother died, so he was raised by his grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib. Two years later, 82-year-old grandfather, also died. So at the age of eight years, the prophet was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib.
When she was twelve years old, Muhammad followed his uncle, Abu Talib to trade towards Syria. He grew up and lived with the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, and the days are filled with a path very rewarding experience. In his youth, he has become a successful entrepreneur and lives well. Then at age 25, he married a rich widow of Mecca, Khadijah bint Khuwailid 40-year-old.
At age 30, Muhammad could reconcile minor disputes that arise in the midst of the Quraysh tribe who are doing renovations Kaaba. They question who is most entitled to place the position of the Black Stone in the Kaaba. He divides the task to them with techniques and strategies that are very fair and reassure them. [4]

B.       Appointed as an Apostle Muhammad
At age 40, Muhammad PBUH used to separate themselves from the association the general public, and he was alone in the Cave of Hira, a few miles north of Mecca. In cave Hira, at first, the Prophet Muhammad retreated only for a few hours only, then days to ponder. On the 17th of Ramadan in 611 AD, Muhammad get his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel, that paragraphs 1 to 5 in surah Al-'Alaq. She felt scared because I'd never heard and experienced. With the revelation of the first, means that Muhammad was chosen by God as a prophet. In this first revelation, he has not been instructed to call people to a religion. [5]
The revelation of events signify that the appointment of Muhammad as a prophet receiving revelation in Arabia. Night of the incident that became known as the "Night Full of Grace" (Laylah al-Qadr), and according to some history occurred towards the end of Ramadan. After the revelation of the first down, this marked the early days of prophethood. When Muhammad hearts filled with anxiety and feeling very emotional burden that press, he went home with a feeling of trepidation, and asked his wife to cover her. That's when the second fell revelation which says: "O you who covered! Arise and deliver thy warning!. "And so, the letter al-Muddatstsir: 1-7. Revelation that has been, and then down along the life of Muhammad, appeared in the form of sounds different. But at the end of the period of his prophet hood, revelation-surah-surah Madaniyah-down in one voice. [6]
With lower initial letter of the al-Muddatstsir, Prophet Muhammad began preaching, first of all, he did it quietly in his own neighborhood and among his colleagues. Therefore, the person who first received his message is family and close friends. At first his wife, Khadijah, and his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was only 10 years old. Then, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, her best friend since childhood. Then Zaid bin 'Amr, a former slave who had become his adopted son. Um Ayman, caregivers prophet since Aminah was still alive, was also among those who first embraced Islam.
After some time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH propagation is carried out on an individual basis, the order came down that run prophet preaching openly. At first, he invited and called her closest relatives and Bani Abdul-Muttalib. He said that in the midst of them, "I do not see anyone in the Arab world who can bring something to the middle of them better than what I brought to you. I bring to you the best the world and the Hereafter. God commanded me to invite you all. Who among you are willing to support me in this? ". They all refused except Ali bin Abi Talib. [7]
Command and it gets triggered by a new piece he carried as a messenger of God, Muhammad met and mingled in the community to teach, preach, and deliver new treatise. Most of them laughing and cursing him. At that stage he was instrumental as a warning and tried to carry out its mission by providing a clear picture of the favors of heaven and the pains of hell. He also warned his people about the coming of the Day of Judgment will not be long. Short, emphatic, expressive, and impressive is a characteristic of the earliest revelations, ie suras Makiyah.
Steps taken so proselytizing prophet is calling on the general public. The Prophet started calling on all levels of society to Islam openly, both the nobility and slaves. At first he called on residents of Mecca, then residents of other countries. In addition, he called on the people who come to Mecca, from various countries for pilgrimage. Exercise of missionary activity tirelessly. With his considerable efforts, the results of which are expected to begin to look. Number of followers of the Prophet who had only a dozen people, is increasingly growing. They mainly consist of women, slaves, workers and people who do not have. Although most of them are people who are weak, but they really steely spirit.
Many ways in which the leaders of Quraish to prevent proselytizing Muahammad Prophet PBUH. First they thought that the power of the prophet is the protection and defense of Abu Talib was highly respected. Therefore they formulate strategy how to let go of a relationship with the Prophet's uncle. They also threatened Abu Talib. Abu Talib seems quite unaffected by their threats, so he expects Muhammad to stop preaching. However, the Prophet Muhammad refused to stop preaching, though threatened ostracized by the entire family and relatives.
Quraish effort to deter the move to Habsyah, including persuading Negus (King) to reject the presence of Muslims there, failed. In fact, in the midst of the increasing cruelty, two men of Quraysh to Islam, Hamzah and Umar ibn Khathab. With the conversion to Islam's two great figures of Islam increasingly strong position.
Quraysh then take new ways to paralyze the power Muahmmad PBUH that rely on the protection of the Banu Hashim. Is the way in which the boycott. They decided all forms of relationship with the tribe. Not a resident of Mecca were allowed to buy Jaúl relations with the Banu Hashim. Boycott actions that began in the seventh year of prophethood lasted for three years. This is the most excruciating and debilitating actions of Muslims.
About three years before the Hijrah, Khadijah died, and not long after followed by his uncle, Abu Talib, who - although not had embraced Islam - remained faithful to defend his sister's son until his death. However, according to the orphanage that Badri Khadija died three days after his uncle, Abu Talib, died at the age of 87 years. This event occurred in the tenth year of Prophet hood. That year was a year of sadness for the Prophet Muhammad. After the death of two supporters, the Quraish did not hesitate anymore lust anger against the prophet. See the reaction of the Meccans Thus, the prophet then tried to spread Islam outside the city. However, in Ta'if ridiculed him, cheered, and stoned, even wounded in the head and body. [8]
In this prahijrah period, also there was a dramatic event, the Isra ', traveling at night, when the prophet way lightning from the Ka’ba to Yarusalem, then up to the seventh heaven (Ascension). Due to transit on the way to heaven, Yarusalem, which by then had become a holy place of the Jews and Christians, then became the third holiest city of Islam after Mecca and Medina. News of the Isra and Mi'raj was appallingly the Meccans. For pagans, was used as propaganda material to belie prophets. As for those who believe, this is a test of faith.
After the events of Isra 'and Mi'raj, a big development for the advancement of Islamic da'wah appeared. The development of which come from a number of residents of Yathrib the pilgrimage to Mecca. Them, which is made up of tribes' Aus and Khazraj, converted to Islam in three waves.
The incident was referred to as "hijra" is not entirely a "runaway", but it is a transfer plan that has been carefully considered for about two years earlier. Seventeen years later, Caliph Umar bin Khattab set the time of the event as the beginning of the Islamic Hijrah, or qamariyah year.
After arriving and acceptable to the population of Yathrib (Medina), the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the official leader of the city's population. New chapter in the history of Islam began. Unlike the Meccan period, the Medina period, Islam is a political force. The teachings of Islam with regard to many people's lives down in Madinah. Prophet Muhammad PBUH has a position, not only as the head of the religion, but also as head of state. In other words, the prophet himself collected two powers, spiritual and temporal power. Position as an apostle automatically head of state.
In order to strengthen the community with this new country, the prophet immediately laying foundations of social life. First base, the construction of mosques, in addition to a place of prayer, as well as an important means to unite the Muslims and unite their souls, as well as the deliberation negotiate the problems faced. Mosque at the time of the Prophet and even serves as the seat of government.
With the formation of the State of Medina, Islam growing stronger. Islam's rapid development makes the people of Mecca and other Islamic enemies to worry. This anxiety will encourage the people of Quraish do anything. To face the possibility of interference from the enemy, the prophet, as a head of government, and form a maneuver troops. Muslims are allowed to fight Dangan two reasons: (1) to defend themselves and protect their property, and (2) maintaining safety and maintain confidence in the deployment of the people who block in the way.

C.  Death of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH
Seconds story of the death of the Prophet Muhammad has arrived. Prophet Muhammad leaned into the lap of the holy Lady `A'ishah. At that time, go Abdurrahman and Abubakar and his hand there was a Siwak. With his beautiful eyes, looked at siwak the Prophet Muhammad and indicated that he wanted. Then Hazrat 'Aisha said to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah would I get me this Siwak for you?" He was marked nodded agreeably. Then Hazrat 'Aisha also took the Siwak and chew the ends until soft and then give it to the Prophet. And the Prophet was cleansing his teeth with the most excellent way, as is typically done by him when healthy. In front of him there was a vessel filled with water, and then he put his hands into the water and then rubbed kewajahnya, saying: "La ilaha illa Allah, verily death was experiencing a painful moment".
Shortly finished cleansing his teeth, while the head was in the lap of the Messenger of Allah Hazrat 'Aisha and Hazrat' Aisha felt the weight of the head of the Prophet in his lap. Seen the Messenger raised his hands and menatapkan upward look, his lips moving and Hazrat 'Aishah listened to him say, "together with the people which thou hast Awarded favors, that the Prophet, the shiddiqin, the people who were martyred and pious people. O Allah, forgive and have mercy on me, I arrange a meeting with the lover of the Most High, O God Beloved of the Most High "
He repeated that last sentence three times, and then to the two eyes closed Prophet and his voice was not heard from again. Holy spirit he rose to the lover of the Most High, wa inna Inna lillahi ilaihi raji'un. Surely we belong to Allah and we will return to Him.
Duha Prophet died in the summer time, on Monday 12 Rabi 'al-Awwal 11 Hijri years. Age at the time he had reached sixty-three years over four days.



History of the prophet, it can be concluded that the Prophet Muhammad, in addition to a religious leader, also a statesman, political leader and competent administration. In just eleven years as a political leader, he succeeded in subduing the entire Arabian Peninsula under its rule.
We can divide the period of Muhammad's preaching into two periods, one totally different from the others, namely:
1.        Mecca period, running roughly thirteen years.
2.        Medina period, running for ten full years.
Each period has its own stages, with each specialization. Mecca period can be divided into three stages, namely:
1.             Stages preaching clandestinely, this runs for three years.
2.             Stages preaching openly in the middle of the inhabitants of Mecca, which began in the fourth year of Prophet hood until the end of the tenth year.
3.             Stages proselytizing outside Mecca, who started from the tenth year of Prophet hood to Hijrah to Madinah.


Abdul Hasan ‘Ali Al-Hasani An-Nadwi. As-Sirah An-Nabawiyah. Damaskus: Darul Qalam. 2001.

Ajid Thohir. Kehidupan Umat Islam Pada Masa Rasulullah SAW. Bandung: Pustaka Setia. 2004.

Hasan Ibrahim Husain. Tarikh Islam. Mesir: Maktabah An-Nahdoh. 1974.

Muhammad Husain Haekal. Sejarah Hidup Muhammad. Jakarta: Litera Antarnusa. 1990.

Nayla Putri dkk. Sirah Nabawiyah. Bandung: CV. Pustaka Islamika. 2008.


PREFACE.............................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................... 2
PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH...................................................................... 2
A.    Birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH....................................................... 2
B.     Appointed as an Apostle Muhammad...................................................... 3
C.     Death of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH................................................ 7
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION........................................................................... 9
BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................. 10


[1] Nayla Putri dkk, Sirah Nabawiyah. (Bandung: CV. Pustaka Islamika, 2008), 71.
[2] Muhammad Husain Haekal, Sejarah Hidup Muhammad, (Jakarta: Litera Antarnusa, 1990, cet. 12), 49.
[3] Hasan Ibrahim Husain, Tarikh Islam, (Mesir: Maktabah An-Nahdoh, 1974), 102.
[4] Ajid Thohir, Kehidupan Umat Islam Pada Masa Rasulullah SAW, (Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2004), 62.
[5] Abdul Hasan ‘Ali Al-Hasani An-Nadwi, As-Sirah An-Nabawiyah, (Damaskus: Darul Qalam, 2001) 99.
[6] Philip K. Hitti, History Of The Arabs,……, 141.
[7] Badri Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban Islam,…..20.
[8] Badri Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban Islam,…..23.