Becoming a Successful Manager Cosmopolitan

Becoming a Successful Manager Cosmopolitan
In this globalization era, not the least among us who have to work together with professionals from abroad. They may fill the position as our peers, subordinates, and superiors us. Some of us may not experience many problems to deal with, but maybe some are still having trouble adjusting to the situation of the people working with it.

So that we can resolve any discomfort or even feeling threatened, AB Susanto divide instructions to become a successful manager in a cosmopolitan working environment. In his book, Susanto said that a manager must have the 3K cosmopolitan as follows.

1. CONCEPT OF STRONG. about how to manage his team. The manager is required to be open, flexible, and have the cultural sensitivity of having to act as communicators between cultures as well as a negotiator for team members. He should have alacrity lead, innovative, participatory, and able to work optimally in a pluralistic global environment. In addition, he should be able to create cultural synergy when the lead.

2. HIGH COMPETENCE. The managers also have to improve their competence, especially if it will work with professionals from abroad who may be better educated or more experienced. Increase in hard skills and soft skills and must be done in an integrated and sustainable development.

3. BROAD CONNECTION. Extensive connections can be obtained by networking. However, the source must be carefully selected. Do not forget to select and build a harmonious relationship with the contact person. This connection is also closely related to lobbying capabilities. In lobbying activities, the manager requires openness insight, knowledge, and experience.

Globalization does affect the career, but do not deal with anxiety. Do upya-effort to adapt and become a successful manager cosmopolitan.