Changed Before Changing

Very short time. It is a fact that can not be avoided; This is destiny. If we are short of time, then we should not waste it for a second. According to my observation, people who succeed in life are those that maximize the energy of every life.

They do so by using this simple rule. They pay attention to what they can control in this life and let go of the rest.

If someone asks for your help in person, you can help him. You can also choose not to help him. If the whole world asking for your help, there's not much you can do. Torturing yourself is counterproductive and a waste of time. I'm not saying that you should not care about other people or have to avoid people who need help. Quite the opposite. However, there are many places where you can do a lot. There is also a place where you can not do much.

If you are a waste of time to try to change things that are obviously not going to change, this life would quickly pass and you lose everything. If instead you dedicate yourself to the things you can change, the areas where you can do a lot, then this life will be richer and more meaningful. Increasingly rich life, the more time you have.

If we are united, we are able to change anything. However this rule for you - this is your personal principles - and therefore it's about what you can change. If you are in a position of a President or Prime Minister, you may be able to make policies that affect the entire country. If you are in the position of the Pope, you may be able to make a letter of endorsement from the Pope. If you are in a general position, you may be able to prevent the war. If you are in the position of an editor, then your name may be printed. If you are in the position of a butler, you may be able to obtain the best table. And so on and so on. So, what is your position now? Influence what you have, and what changes you can do to influence it?

Often the position that we have is as yourself. Certainly influence that we have just for ourselves. Thing we can really change is ourselves. Terrific. It would be an opportunity to do something. An opportunity to make changes. Start with yourself and let the changes it spreads to others. That way, we do not have to waste time delivering a sermon on those who will not listen.

We do not have to waste energy, effort, or resources to the things we can not change and which do not have the certainty of success. By changing ourselves, we can ensure an outcome. A result.