Dealing with Annoying Coworkers way

Dealing with Annoying Coworkers way
All know the work environment plays an important role in the level of working comfort. Especially the people who become our co-workers in the office. But what if a co-worker who was supposed to be the team we are in the works even turn into an enemy that sucks? Hm .. its essence give ya tips ladies. How to deal with annoying co-workers, let's see!

Overcome wisely

In every neighborhood there is always annoying person. With a face like this one wisely you no longer need to bother. Hey, do not be one who knows the boss also assess your attitude in the face of madness "the bitch" it.

fortify themselves
Well, if he seems to have been seriously want to fight your way sucks ANDAs should be able to prepare a strong defense. For example, you write every plan and do not let anyone see it, this way your movement is more controlled and he can not mess with you.

When he had gone too and belittle you talk to him in person is important you do. It also can make as a sign, that you are at all uncomfortable with his behavior.

Facing the boss
This last way ladies, if your friend can not talk anymore. You are entitled facing your boss and tell your discomfort at work. Obviously with the notification for the common good.