By Jaimah


That is love ...
Something abstract, but present and real.
Holy, pure, will never be able to spotted.
Charm not easily to be forgotten,
even thousands of times run over the evening light.
Not quite the word to can represent the meaning of love

That is love ...
always character a mystery in the universe.
For we can never guess his presence-
we are unable to touch when he addresses,
and to whom she would donate sincere.
but we could feel the warm vibration-
to knock on the door of your heart and soul.

That is love ...
Something good (grace) - which can only touch us
one-time-and the last time during our lives.
even he will never be faithful to leave us,
until we later died.
That's true love-love that will never die.

He will be there when people get older middle-
Do not care about the age-old and young, male or female.
When we are feeling something beyond logic,
and liver more talkative than the eye,
where day and night no longer 'so' is different for us,
and fear of loss of something valuable,
may be, we are called love.