Pengantar Apresiasi Sastra

Story Telling of The Golden Sheep

I.       Script Structure Analysist

1.1 Theme

The escaping of Friksos from his a step mother who trying to deceiving King Athamas for sacrificing Friksos soul to the God.

1.2 Plot

Initial situation

King Athamas ask to Queen Nefele to married again


When King Athamas tell Queen Nefele about his new wife


When Friksos lost his sister on the sea


Friksos married with Princes Aites and they become Prince and Princes of cholcis

1.3 Character

Ø  Rendi Satrio as King Athamas and as King Kholkis

Ø  Sri Wahyuni Wulandari as Queen Nefele

Ø  Reinata Andriyani as Ino

Ø  Ulfa Yuanita Isyfari as Hermes and as Princess Aites

Ø  Rifan Harist Rosadi as Prince Friksos

Ø  Novitri Reza Putri as Princess Helle

1.4 Characterization

Ø  King Athamas                    : Wise, fair,  

Ø  Queen Nefele                    : Soft, caring, loving

Ø  Ino                                     : Arrogant, evil, cavalier, instigator,

Ø  Prince Friksos                    : Loving, wise, never give up,

Ø  Princess Helle                    : Resigned, soft, willing to sacrifice

Ø  Hermes                              : Kind, helpful

Ø  King Kolkhis                     : Wise, fair, loving

Ø  Princess Aites                    : Polite, soft

II.    Texture Analysist    
2.1  Fiction
The escaping of Friksos from his a step mother who trying to deceiving King Athamas for sacrificing Friksos soul to the God.

2.2  Style
Ancient greek

III. Show Concept
       3.1  Support Device

·           Costumes

·           Make up

·           Sound effect

·           Crowns

·           Golden Sheep (stereofoam)

·           Flowers