Biography of Vasco Da Gama

Biography of Vasco Da Gama
Vasco da Gama (IPA: ['vaʃku dɐ' gɐmɐ] (or Vidigueira Sines, Alentejo, Portugal, around 1469 - December 24, 1524 in Kochi, India) is a national Portuguese explorers, who discovered a direct sea lane from Europe to Malabar, India to conduct ocean exploration around Afrika.Da Gama was commissioned by King Manuel I of Portugal to find Christian lands in the Eastern continent (King, like many other Europeans, think that India is the Christian kingdom of Prester John), and to gain access Portuguese to the commercial market in the Eastern continent.

Da Gama's exploration of the sea extending from its predecessor Bartolomeu Dias, who first rounded the Cape of Good Hope in Africa in 1488, culminating with the Portuguese sea exploration is supported by the school voyage of Henrique the Navigator.

Da Gama's voyage succeeded in establishing a sea route from Europe to India that would permit trade with the Far East, without the use of the Silk Road caravan routes are expensive and unsafe, the Middle East and Central Asia. However, shipping is also hampered by its failure to carry items that appeal to the nations of Asia Minor and India. This route is fraught with peril: only 54 of 170 sailors, and two of the four ships, returned to Portugal in 1499. However, da Gama's first voyage directly generate the era of European domination for hundreds of years through the power of the sea and trade, and for 450 years of Portuguese colonialism in India who produce the wealth and power to the throne of Portugal.

Exploration before da Gama

Since the beginning of the 15th century, sailing school Henrique the Navigator had been extending Portuguese knowledge of the African coastline. From the 1460's, the goal is surrounding the southern tip of the continent to gain easier access to the wealth of India (mainly black pepper and other spices) through a reliable sea route.

When da Gama was 10 years old, long-term plans are starting to bear fruit. Bartolomeu Dias had returned from a trip around the Cape of Good Hope, having explored to Fish River (Rio do Infante) in South Africa today, and verified that the unknown coast stretched up to the northeast.

Onshore exploration that took place at the same time during the reign of João II of Portugal supported the theory that India could be reached by sea from the Atlantic Ocean. Pero da Covilha and Afonso de Paiva sent via Barcelona, ​​Napoli, and Rhodes, into Alexandria, and from there to Aden, Hormuz, and India, which proves that the theory is reliable.

Remaining for an explorer to prove the path between discovery and Pero Dias da Covilha and De Paiva, and connect separate pieces into the trade routes that may be beneficial to the Indian Ocean. Tasks originally charged to Da Gama's father offered to Vasco by Manuel I on the pad protecting Portuguese trading stations along the African Gold Coast from the destruction by the French.

They arrived in India on May 20, 1498. It sometimes happens that fierce negotiations with local authorities (usually diinggriskan to Zamorin), resulting in Enourato Wyatt, the resistance of the Arab traders. Eventually da Gama managed to get a letter that contains ambiguous concession for trading rights, but he had to leave without warning after the Zamorin insisted da Gama leave all belongings as collateral. Da Gama retain the goods, but left a few Portuguese with orders to start a trading post.

Paulo da Gama died in the Azores on the way home, but when Vasco da Gama returned to Portugal in September 1499, she received a huge gift for the person who managed to realize the plan that has been for 80 years. She earned the title of "Admiral of the Indian Ocean", and the feudal rights over Sines confirmed. He was also awarded the title of Dom (count) by Manuel I.

Da Gama's voyage proved that the more distant African coast (East coast), Contra Costa, was essential to Portuguese interests. Its harbors provide clean water and supplies, lumber and port for repairs, and a place to wait while the unfavorable season. In addition, commodity spices also proved an important contribution to the economy of Portugal.

The second voyage

On February 12, 1502, da Gama returned beralyar with a fleet of 20 warships to enforce Portuguese interests. Pedro Alvares Cabral was sent to India two years earlier (when he stumbled upon Brazil, even though some people claim it was done on purpose), and found that people who are trading post had been murdered, and when he found further resistance , he bombarded Calicut. He also took home the silk and gold to prove that he had been to India again.

At one point, da Gama waited for a ship returning from Mecca, and confiscated all his goods. They then incubate the 380 passengers and then set fire to the ship. Just four days later the ship sank, killing all the passengers, men, women, and children, when da Gama returned to Calicut on October 30, 1502, the Zamorin was willing to sign an agreement. [1].

Da Gama attack and demanded tribute from the port of Kilwa controlled by Arabs in East Africa, one of the ports involved in the fight against the Portuguese. Da Gama played a role as a ship owner who was given permission to attack the Arab merchant ships. Finally he smashed a Calicut fleet consisting of 29 ships, and basically conquered the port city. In return for security, he obtained trade concessions which are very valuable and a large number of foreclosures, yan makes it well-liked by the throne of Portugal.

After returning to Portugal, in September 1503, he was made Count of Vidigueira sebelumna on land owned by the family of Bragança. He also was awarded the feudal rights and jurisdiction over Vidigueira and Vila dos Frades.

The third voyage

After getting the dreaded reputation as a "settlement" of all the problems that arise in India, he was sent to the subcontinent once more in 1524. The plan is that it replaces Eduardo de Menezes as viceroy (representative) of Portugal's territory, but he suffered from malaria shortly after arriving in Goa and died in the city of Cochin on Christmas Eve 1524. His body was initially buried at the Church St. Francis, Fort Kochi, Kochi, and later moved to Portugal skeleton in 1539 and reburied in a beautiful cemetery in Vidigueira. Hieronimit Monastery in Belém was built in honor of his voyage to India.

Da Gama and his wife, Catarina de Ataíde, had six sons and one daughter: Francisco da Gama, Conde da Vidigueira; Estevão da Gama; Paulo da Gama; Cristovão da Gama; Pedro da Silva da Gama; Alvaro de Athaide; and Isabel de Athaide da Gama.

Like the others after Henry the Navigator, da Gama was responsible for the success of Portugal as a colonial power first. In addition to the cruise itself, skill in mixing politics and war in other parts of the world that placed Portugal in a prominent position in trade in the Indian Ocean.

The national epic of Portugal, Luís Vaz de Lusíadas of Camões in general related to the cruise-shipping Vasco da Gama.

After da Gama's first voyage, the kingdom of Portugal realized that securing outposts on the east coast of Africa proved crucial to maintaining their trade routes to the Far East.

Port city of Vasco da Gama in Goa named to commemorate da Gama. Similarly crater Vasco da Gama, a large crater on the Moon. There are three football clubs in Brazil (including Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama) and Vasco Sports Club in Goa that is also named after him. A church in Kochi, Kerala Vasco da Gama Church, a private residence on the island of Saint Helena and Vasco da Gama Bridge was named to commemorate it.