1. Understanding Integration Studies
Integration of science and religion is essentially a common effort to combine or mix together ontology, epistemology and axiology sciences in both fields tersebut.Itegrasi both the sciences is a necessity not only for the good of Muslims alone, but to the civilization of mankind seluruhnya.Karena with integration , science will clear him, which has a clear spirit to always serve human values and virtues of the universe, rather than a tool of dehumanization, exploitation, and destruction earth. value can not be achieved if there is still a dichotomy of science as occurs at this time.
Integration of science is not only the demands of the times, but has a strong normative legitimacy of Al-Quran and Hadith and historical behavior of the scholars of Islam who has proven his figure as an integrative scientist who contributed tremendous for the progress of human civilization. Currently, the form of the integration of science was formulated either by the government itself and the integration model of intellectual muslim.Tawaran trying practiced by many universities still leaves islam and external debate their inter sendiri.Karenanya, they practiced integration model is not yet final and requires continuous evaluation of all components of Indonesian education community. Integration of knowledge is imperative for Muslims, therefore, is not only the responsibility of government alone and obligations of the Islamic University, but also among public universities and all Muslims who want Islamic progress and civilization more advanced than humanist.
2. Background Integration Studies
The idea of integrating science was first developed by Mr. Muhammad Natsir. He saw that they were only studying religion and science are only studying the world, equally distant from religion. Because, in the Al Quran surah al-Qasas verse 77 Allah commands us to live "balanced", but the pursuit of the afterlife world should never forget. Both types of education should not be separated (dichotomy), in a mutually exclusive sense. But they complement each other in order to obtain the glory of the people in the next world, as has been achieved by the earlier Muslims. Thoughts on education should be integral, not separate science and science world religions, theology and general science. Both are a single unit. Separating and contrasting one of them will make people can not prevail, especially in the arena of the struggle of this life. To realize the vision and mission of education, Natsir establish educational institutions in the Union of Islamic movements in Bandung, named "Islamic Education" (Pendis) in 1927. This is the first formal basic education in the environment of a large family of Islamic Unity. Islamic education (Pendis) stems from the ideals and idealism Natsir regarding educational Islam and Muslims after the fact that occur in the field at that time. In 1981, after a global education conference in Mecca in 1977, Ismail Raji al-Faruqi sparked the idea of Islamization of Knowledge by means of integration of science. The idea of integration of science Al-Faruqi is defined as a business that is giving a new definition, organize data, think of another way of thinking and linking data, evaluate conclusions, projecting back goals-and do it in such a way that all the discipline- disciplinary insights that enrich beneficial to Islam and Islamic ideals. In carrying out the process of Islamization of knowledge is Al-Faruqi formulate a work plan with five objectives, namely:
a. Mastery of modern disciplines.
b. Mastery of Islamic heritage treasures.
c. Relevance of Islam to build their modern disciplines.
d. Integrate the values and heritage of Islamic heritage creatively with modern sciences.
e. Directing the flow of Islamic thought to the streets to reach the fulfillment of God's plan pattern.
Meanwhile, to realize these goals, al-Faruqi compiled 12 steps that must be taken first. These steps can be read in detail in his book Islamization of Knowledge. Together with his colleagues, Al-Faruqi founded the International Institute of Islamic Thought (International Institute of Islamic Thought, IIIT) in Virginia, in 1981. Further to the various conferences, seminars, discussions, workshops, journals, books, articles, research, and other businesses, the idea of Islamization of knowledge echoed.