Effective Communication

Communication is very important for anyone and anything in the field, including in the field of business eg. The higher one's position, communication is increasingly important to him. So do not be surprised if the leadership of top managers spend 85% of their time communicating with others. Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages, e-mails can be, formal presentations in seminars, talking with friends, etc.. But communication is considered effective only if other people understand your message correctly and respond according to what you want.

Communicates that effectively helps you to organize the work flow, improve business relationships, improve your professional image and provide other important benefits. Effective communication is central to most aspects of the business because of communication linking the company with all of its stakeholders, which is a team that is influenced by the actions of the company in several ways, which consists of: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, neighbors, community and country.


You can have the greatest idea of ​​the world, but the idea was not beneficial to your company or your career when you can not express it clearly and persuasively. Nasa project manager said: "Knowledge may be power, but communication skills are the key raw material in good relations with clients".

Effective communication containing 5 things:

• Practical
• Factual
• Solid
• Clearly
• Persuasive

Practical information

Provide useful information, to help them perform the desired action or to understand the company's new policy.

Information in the form of facts, not impressions.

Use facts not impressions. Use sentences that concrete, specific details and information that is clear, convincing, accurate and ethical. Even when an opinion is needed, present convincing evidence to support your conclusion.

Information should be solid

Give the main points of the most important information, not all information to the readers. The messages are clear and concise is more effective than the flood of data and information flood.

State the message clearly

Write messages that generates a specific response of a specific recipient. Stated clearly what you expect from the recipient or what you do for them.


Persuade others and offer recommendations. Show your readers you exactly how they would benefit by providing a response to your message. Mention the benefits to the reader is the key to persuading employers, co-workers, customers or clients to agree on a plan of action or purchase a product.

In Organizational Communication Environment

In any business organization is an important part of communication. People need information, and communication is through the information conveyed.

Communication within the organization divided by 2 is:

• Internal communication, that is when you exchange information with people in your organization
• external communication, ie when you exchange information with people outside the organization.

Formal and informal communication.

Every organization has a formal communication network, in which ideas and information flow along the chain of command (hierarchy level) in the company's organizational structure.

In all formal internal network, information flows in three directions:

• The flow downward
• The flow upward
• Horizontal Flow

Flow downward. Communication flows from executives to employees, executives and split decisions provide information that assist employees in doing their job. Flow upward. Communication flows from employees to executives, providing timely reports on problems, trends, opportunities, complaints and performance-thus allowing executives to solve problems and make smart decisions. Horizontal flow. Lateral or diagonal flow of communication between departments to help employees share information and coordinate tasks. Communication like this is very useful for solving complex problems and difficult.

Informal communication

Communications made outside the organizational structure. Could happen anywhere, can be in the dining room, on the golf course, either through e-mail, sms, etc.. Executive Bebeberapa very careful to informal networks, but smart managers make this network to deploy and receive informal messages. This informal communication networks tend to be most active when the employee believes that the network is not providing the information they want or need. External communications flowing into and outside the organization through formal lines (official letters, pemgumuman, e-mail, face-to-face meetings, meetings using conference call etc..), Also through informal means, such as mendiskuikan work with friends, social network activity , talking with customers, and so on.

Although these interactions are formal, such interactions remain very important to the success of the company, so it requires attention and communication skills together with a formal communication. The importance of information exchange can be seen from the development of social networking software such as Spoke Connect, and Web sites such as LinkedIn.com and Ryze.com, helping all companies utilize all relationships owned by its employees.