Intellectual intelligence was first introduced by the French psychologist, Alfred Binet. The term was later popularized by psychologists to some countries such as America, France, Britain and Germany. Binet intelligence using the same definition with the definition proposed by Lewis Terman, the ability to think in terms of thinking about things that are abstract. Binet intelligence quotient interpretation suggested by the words of understanding, thought, control and criticize.
Stern defines intelligence was the "general capacity of an individual who can be seen in kesenggupan mind in dealing with the demands of new requirements, general mental state that can be adapted to problems-problems and new conditions of life" Thorp As explained, the definition where scope is too broad variety of problems including non-academic problems, mechanical, artistic and social behavior.
Definition that is almost similar to Stern, but given the narrow sense expressed by other psychologists. Such understanding is given by Wechsler, intelligence is the capacity of one's global or summary of skills to be able to act in a focused, thinking well and mix with the environment efficiently. Woodworth also defines intelligence as a general ability to solve intellectual problems on the basis of past achievement and the ability to comprehend and understand the nature of contemporary life. Both of the above opinion emphasized that the intelligence is a general capacity that affects a person's behavior in interaction with others. The majority of the intellectual notion put forward by psychologists to provide different pressures. Thus the above definition has shown that intelligence is actually generally include individual capacity in a complex field.
In fact, intellectual intelligence invisible from the outside, because it is the only capacity. Intellectual reflection can only be seen from the behavior of individuals, either intelligent or non-intelligent. It is more appropriate to say that someone behaving intelligence or non-intelligence, of the states that a person who has the intellectual acumen with berintelegensi. Freeman argued that a person who behaves intelligence is not only able to gain knowledge and experience of what is learned, but also able to absorb, interpret, organize, maintain the knowledge and experience gained and apply it to new situations.
Moving on from the above understanding, it can be concluded that the intelligence has a strategic role in determining the future success of the individual. In the context of education, intelligence is perceived as determinants of learning outcomes are the most important. Same with physical capacity, intellectual capacity owned by each individual is also different. Therefore educators need to know and understand the implications for teaching. Intellectual intelligence is the intelligence of thinking that can help people in the face and adjust to the environment, is able to suss perseolan logically by using abstract concepts, thus forming an effective struksur think.