Perception And Communication

Perception And Communication
Two terms of perception and communication is very close and important to know in order to understand the behavioral sciences. Communication happens if someone wants to convey information to others. And communication can run well and proper if the transmitter had been communicating with the appropriate information, and the recipient does not receive information in the form of distortion. If in the process of delivering information and inappropriate distortion, then this communication can not be said that effective communication or a failure. Failure to communicate can occur because of many obstacles. One of the obstacles posed by the human element involved in it is because of different perceptions.

Perception is essentially cognitive process experienced by every person in understanding information about their environment, through sight, hearing, appreciation, feeling, and smelling. Perception is a complex cognitive process that produces a unique picture of a reality that is perhaps different from the reality. Subprocesses perception may consist of a situation that is present in a person. Here someone is facing an environmental reality that must be seen and interpreted. The next subprocess is registration, interpretation, and feedback. Thus once a person knows the state of the environment, all of the information listed in his thoughts and memories. In turn these people then interpret or to interpret about all the information that is listed on the environment encountered earlier. The last process people will give feedback.

In perception is very interesting to talk about the selection process of perception, which is the process how someone could be interested in an object that gave rise to a perception of the object. The factors that cause a person interested in how objects can be grouped into two things namely external factors and factors of one's self within oneself. External factors such as intensity, size, contrast, repetition, movement, and the object is new or already known. The factors of the process consists of comprehension or learning, motivation, and personality.

Perception can be organized in a person based on things such as the similarity and dissimilarity of objects, their proximity in space, and the proximity in time. In addition, if someone does the perception of others, caused because of the relationships and interactions directly, then the person doing social perception. In such a perception characteristics of each related very decisive. In addition some of the things that will determine the perception of social infrastructures, among others, because of the attribution process, stereotypes, and the halo effect.

Another term that is most linked to perception is communication. Many expressed understanding of the communication, but there are three important aspects that are discussed in this continuum. Three aspects are information, communication processes within an organization, and communication between people. No information about the three important things that put forward in this chapter so as to provide an understanding of the nature of the essence. Three things that among other advantages, understanding, and feedback. Thus if an excess of information communicated it will cause some reaction, eg people fail to communicate properly take into account the information received, many make mistakes, piling work, information filtering, only sketchily understood, throw the task to someone else, and deliberately avoid information coming. As for the other properties is the notion of information and feedback. Acceptance and understanding of the information the receiver will affect this sense, as well as feedback from the information.

The organizational communication is a communication that occurs within a particular organization. Communication characteristics of this organization is structured or hierarchical. This communication has vertical and horizontal structures, and as a result can also be structured out of the organization. This latter structure if the organization interact with the environment. If the organization recognized the existence of formal and informal structures in communication was the known existence of formal and informal communication. Formal communication follows the path of a formal relationship is reflected in the composition or structure of the organization. The informal communication of information flows in accordance with the interests and will of each individual is in the organization. Informal communication processes do not follow structural lines, so that could have been someone who has been under the formal structure, communicating with someone who is in the leadership level.

Communication would also put forward as a very important element of kontimum third is interpersonal communication. The effectiveness of interpersonal communication, can be seen from the following five things: the openness, empathy, support, positivity, and similarity. The similarity factor intimately with the concept of homophily and heterophily. Homophily refers to a degree of similarity between the two parties were tied in communication, which conveys private personal information and receiving information. While his opponent is heterophily that shows inequality.