Understanding and the importance of business operations
If the business has been established then the further process is executing business operations. With the main objective to further strengthen and develop the business further. With the consolidation of the business development and it is expected that the business has not only survived for a few months or a few years only. But can last for years even when possible from generation to generation.
Thus business operations can be defined simply as the real action is supposed to do. For business operations is indeed necessary proactive attitude, and innovative. Without these three attitudes are difficult to carry out a successful operation. So if we want to distinguish between business planning and business operations, then the businesses are planning more in the direction of thinking before acting, looking more towards the operational business act or acts.
Established market strategy
- In business operations that must be done first is to establish and develop the market of the business.
- If the business is growing and moving forward, there is a tendency attract other investors to go jump in the business.
- This led to increasingly sharp competition. Even though the company was set up in no time rival, the time when the business berkernbang good enough so that the competitors would enter the competition will be more intense.
- If less vigilant will not compete, means causing declining sales.
If the customer satisfaction that we provide inferior to a given consumer satisfaction competitors, then we will not compete. For that we are not just required to increase customer satisfaction, but can provide added value that is not owned by a competitor. With satisfaction plus, it is expected the company will be able to give the best to the consumer. If not, it will not compete.
The importance of superior quality with a unique
To be able to establish and develop marketing, then first of all we have to do is consolidate products / services produced. Confirming the product / service in the sense that improve the quality of products / services produced according to consumer tastes. This should be considered by every company especially for companies whose products / services are produced, consumers are very sensitive to the quality. If consumers are very sensitive to the quality, the quality declined slightly, consumers will complain even scream, the next time the process will leave it as a subscription. For example, for food and beverage products, consumers are so sensitive that needs major attention to quality. This does not mean the products / services that consumers are not so sensitive we can ignore the quality. Quality of products / services should always be considered by every company, especially when consumers are so sensitive to differences in quality.
Approaching consumer tastes
To solidify products / services in accordance with consumer tastes, then first of all we must know how our consumer tastes. For that we should be able to draw a better formula than the formula which is owned by our competitors. This requires research and testing activities.
Once the importance of this issue, so some say if there is a company that is able to create a formula products / services that suit the tastes of consumers, more than half had been in the hands of successful marketing. Moreover, consumers are very sensitive to the refractive quality of products / services. With the right formula means that we have the possibility Iebih superior in quality products / services than competitors. If we had found the right formula, then we have to maintain the formula. Besides maintaining the formula, the formula should also keep leaking to competitors. The discovery of the exact formula is not meant to be complacent.
Maintain the quality and uniqueness
The discovery of the exact formula for the product / service must be maintained. To maintain a predetermined formula, it is not easy. In practice often found decreased quality of products / services of a company, so sales to decline. In other words, must be maintained quality of products / services. To be able to maintain the quality of products / services must first be maintained to keep the production process quality.
Purchase of raw materials that one can also cause decreased production quality. In other words, the quality of production / services decreased so as not in accordance with a predetermined formula. This can occur for several reasons, among others;
Distribution strategy
Although we are able to produce goods / services with excellent quality and the quality was not able it fully guarantees smooth marketing. Need to launch marketing strategy right in the distribution of goods / services. In this case we know the distribution of direct and indirect distribution. Indirect distribution is the distribution to consumers who use goods / services or consumers who buy for further produced.
In this case the general distribution by forming a separate organization that uses the power-tanaga sales are where they should be educated to be able to engage with prospective buyers. Conversely if the buyers are end-users then in general are so numerous and widespread. In this case can use the distributor or dealer. In this case the dealer should be able to find a bona fide and capable of building a good relationship with the dealer. Which method is used to channel goods / services, of course there is no formula for sure it all depends on the circumstances, although the tendency is so. With the establishment of the right distribution channels are expected to support marketing.