In general, the communication has two important functions in the organization, namely: (1) communication allows the exchange of information, and (2) communication helps connect people within an organization (Curtis et al., 1996). On that basis it can be concluded that the organization needs to achieve its goal of communication. It is known that the activities within a business organization (company) is vast and varied. Here are some examples of activities within business organizations associated with the exchange of information.
a. Business Goal Setting (Company)
Corporate goal setting usually is a process that involves all the company's management team in a discussion on a business meeting. In this process certainly were a lot of exchange of information.
b. Decision-making and Implementation
A decision made by a manager is usually based on a variety of information it receives. This means that in making a decision information is exchanged. Furthermore, once a decision is made, this decision needs to be communicated to the parties relating to the content of the decision to be implemented and this means there is more exchange of information.
c. Performance Appraisal
Various performance in business (companies) such as employee performance, financial performance, the performance of production, and of course the performance of the company as a whole, needs to be assessed (evaluated) and then used as input to develop various plans in the various units within the company. In the course of assessment (evaluation) is necessary for information. On that basis it can be concluded that the exchange of information necessary for the company to conduct an assessment of the performance range.
d. Recruitment and Employee Development
When companies need to add employees or employees who have been there then the company should do the hiring (recruitment) and these activities lead to the exchange of information between the prospective employee and the company. Furthermore, after the employees decided to be accepted in the company then the company usually conduct training for the employee to complete the tasks mandated. The provision of training is known as development (development) and employees in this activity is very much an exchange of information.
e. Service to the Customer
In the era of customer-centric marketing, the term customer service (customer service) is something that is inevitable. Activities are included in the 'customer service' really is not just limited to serving complaints from customers, but even more so that the company should identify what the needs and desires of customers, serving the needs and wants of the customer, and still maintain a good relationship (such as by helping solve customer issues related to the use of the company's products) to customers after purchasing the company's products. All activities are heavily laden with information exchange.
f. Transactions with Suppliers and Lenders
Company requires raw materials, capital and various other resources in order to conduct activities to achieve company goals. All of these activities require the exchange of information.
g. Tax payments to the State
Each company is a taxpayer must meet its obligations to pay in accordance regulations. This activity course requires an exchange of information.