7 Inventors Internet In The World

Internet is not only designed by one person or one team at a time. More and more people are trying to peel back the frontiers of information technology, they are largely contribute to the understanding and development of what many use today in order to achieve objectives and exploit its advantages. Internet has become a common and easy these days, but there are times when the internet became something weaker, less influential and only a handful of people who can use it in a very limited following people are visionaries, inventors, researchers and programmers who, in the early days internet, dream big in pioneering technology, the program also behind all standard operating tool which we use the Internet today.

Here are 7 Inventors Internet In The World

 1. Claude Shannon

7 Inventors Internet In The World
Known as the "father of modern information theory," Claude Shannon published an influential paper in 1948, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," which memfomalkan study of communication channels.

By establishing limits on the efficiency of communication and present a challenge to find the code to improve efficiency, Shannon developed the basic foundations that underlie the Internet.

2. Paul Baran

7 Inventors Internet In The World a moment to researching survivable communication network at the RAND Corporation in 1959, Baran develop and describe a data architecture for packet-switched communication networks.

Overview, detailed in a series of papers under the title "On Distributed Communications," will prove to be a common basic architecture behind the Internet.

 3. Bob Taylor

7 Inventors Internet In The World In the late 1960s, Bob Taylor convinced the U.S. Department of Defense to develop a communications network, which will eventually be ARPANet, the military precursor to the Internet.

He wrote an influential paper, "The Computer as a Communication Device," (Computer as a Communication Device), the man said, the world will soon be able to communicate more efficiently through a computer than face to face. This paper describes how the Internet will be in the future

 4. Douglas Englebart

7 Inventors Internet In The World
A researcher at Stanford, Augmentation Research Center Englebart is the second node on ARPANet in October 1969. He developed the Network Information Center at Stanford, which went on to become a domain name registry, or database list of every website on the Internet.

It is interesting to note that Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google's developers, also lectures at Stanford 30 years kemudian.Dia also found mouse

 5. Larry Roberts

7 Inventors Internet In The World Chief scientist at the Information Processing Techniques Office of ARPA in 1966, he led the development ARPANet.

He also founded Telenet, the first packet-switched network provider and precursors for companies such as Comcast and Verizon. Telenet is now owned by Sprint and is part of the mobile data network.

6. Vint Cerf

7 Inventors Internet In The World
A legend in the community of the early internet, Cerf was a program manager from 1976 to 1982 ARPA. With Bob Kahn he helped design the protocol TCP / IP is used by ARPANet beginning and the Internet today, and he founded Komuntias Internet Society and ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) ICANN is a fundamental part of the Internet and how it is organized.

 7. Paul Mockapetris

7 Inventors Internet In The World

along with Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris designed and developed DNS, or domain name architecture. When you type a website address into the search box, you can thank Mockapetris and Postel as has been designing how to create an action to find a website that you want.