Identity Templates Blog

Identity Templates Blog
A. Understanding Templates Blog

Website template is a blog or shape designs blog page or website and all its components such as images, stylesheets, Navigation, and other widgets. Blog template is also characterized by the presence of static files and dynamic form of a program or application that runs as a web application. Basically the blog template has been designed and adapted to display a standard menu and bawaanya. Like the blogger template for example, the blogger has been providing free design templates that you can choose and decide according to your taste.

Form template is very diverse and wide range of types, depending on the chosen theme. Blog template modifications are also provided through specific codes such as html, css, and so forth. For those of you who are proficient in blog template code, then you can design and mendesaignnya own. However, not many bloggers are able to make your own blog template. Do not acute, because many bloggers have or websites that offer free blog templates, other than that we can also choose the template which is in accordance with our blogs and in accordance with the theme of the blog you have.

B. Selecting Blog Template interesting

Look for templates that you find interesting as well as for visitors. many websites that provide examples of templates that pretty either paid or free. You can get the template that is right for you already. Choose a blog template that suits your terms and it is definitely a blog template that fits your taste.

C. Choosing a light blog template

Besides beautify your blog, template also has significant benefits and functions, one of which is loading the blog. Sometimes there are heavy blogs and one reason is the selection of the wrong template. To choose your blog template is lightweight so that when people open your blog is not tired or bored for long and heavy loading.

In addition, the setting of blog templates also need to consider, because otherwise it would Visitor lazy to visit your website if the loading is too long. Then avoid things like this. Many factors that make it a heavy web are:
  • Too many big size image
  • Too many scripts or variations attached
  • Size of the template
  • Factors hosting server is too busy or is slow