
Definition of suprasegmental
A suprasegmental is a vocal effect that extends over more than one sound segment in an untterance, such as stress, or junture pattern.
Suprasegmental is often use for :
§  Tone
§  Vowel length
§  Features like nasalization and aspiration
Suprasegmental also called Prosodic Feature. In phonetic a speech feature such as stress, tone,or word juncture that accompanies or is added over consonant and vowels. These feature are not limited to single sounds but often extend over syllables, words, or phrases.
English is a stress timed language.  That is, required for saying an utterance in English does not depend on the number of words or syllables in the rhythm group or tone group.
It depends rather on the number of stressed syllables, the more the number of stressed syllables the more the time the utterance would require. All languages in the world have a feature of stress, but what is important to note is whether that stress ‘Phonemic’ or ‘Phonetic’.
If the stress is Phonemic, it means with a change of stress the meaning will change. If there is no change of meaning, the stress is Phonetic.
All this is very important with referance to english as it is a stress timed languaged and stress in English is a Phonemic Feature, and not just a Phonetic one.

Diferences of Suprasegmental and Segmental features, according to stress Phonemic and Phonetic:
1.      John’s friend Tom has just brought two very fine old paintings.
2.      It would have been better not to have paid for it before you recieved it.

It is obvious that the number of words in the second sentence is more than in the first. But the number of stressed syllables in the first is more than in the second. Therefor , the time required for saying or uttering the first one would be obiously more than the second.
English is a stress-timed language and changes in stress patterns can be Phonemic. Syllables-timed language where stress patterns don’t impact on meaning.
Suprasegmental elements of phonology, for example linking instead of inserting glottal stops between syllables, rather than pronouncing the sounds or syllables themselves.

Classification of Suprasegmental sound.
Ø  High level note
Ø  Slight rising note
Ø  Falling note
Ø  Falling-rising note
       In other countries such as Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and English has different stress and make different meaning and sounds too, and this give the varian of Suprasegmental.

       In  Spanish the stress accent is often used to distinguish between otherwise identical words :       -   Termino means term
-      Terminomeans I terminate
-      Terminomeans he terminated

       In Mandarin Chinese tone is distinctive suprasegmental, and example :
-      Shihpronounced on a high level not means to lose
-      Shih on a slight rising not means ten
-      Shih on a falling not means city, market.
-      Shih on a falling-rising not means history

       In English “beer dripped” and “beard ripped” are distinguished by word juncture.
       The above examples demonstrate functional suprasegmentals. Nonfunctional suprasegmentals that don’t change the meaning of words or phrases also exist; stress in French is an example. Suprasegmentals are so called in contract to consonants and vowels, which are treated as serially ordered segments of the spoken utterance.
Suprasegmental phonemes differentiated by:
a) Pressure (stress)
b) Tone (Pitch)
c) Length (length)
d) Jeda (juncture)

Is the strength of sound pressure, when a sound of the fonation. For example, in the English language there are words that mendpat Important pressure on the tribe into two [im 'p rt ↄ ₔ nt] means' important ', but if we say [' t im p ↄ ₔ nt], so the pressure falls on the first term, then its meaning is not important but the entry lust '(english: impotent)'.
Used for pressure tag symbol :
"    The primary pressure
'     Secondary pressure
/     Pressure loudest (French: aigu accent)
\     Pressure loud (France: accent grave)
^     Gentle pressure (French: sirkoflex accent)
v     Pressure softest (French: breve accent)

Another term for the length (UK: length), the quantity (Samsuri 1978: 122), while St. Takdir Alisjahbana the term pressures of time or tempo (Providence: 1978: 33).
The technical symbol is a single point [.] If somewhat long, with a double point [:] that was written long after the phonemes that have the extension. There is also a flat line above to use phonemes or double phoneme. Point that we write after the phonemes that have an extension, called a mora. For example, in Gorontalo.
A: To or aato 'dijangkau' ato 'kasau'
Lo: MBU or loombu 'besok' lombu 'rebung'
Ti: lo or tiilo 'ibu' Tilo 'kapur'
Tu: qo or tuuqo 'disembunyikan' tuqo 'muntah'
Suprasegmental phonemes found in tone languages ​​pitched. For example, in Chinese there are standards wei said, in a monotone which means' dangerous', with a significant down-up 'answer' spontaneously ', whereas if the tone goes down, then wei said it means' fear'. The tone is usually marked with diacritical marks, such as:
/ Tone up \ tone tone - down tone flat √ tone fluctuated ^ up and down

May also use the numbers:
A. The lowest tone
2. Tone higher
3. Tone higher
4. The highest tone
When we say the word or phrase, in fact we make a stop for a moment. Stop for a moment that called lag (= juncture). Say the sequence of phonemes / sea / that the / l / and / a /, / a / and / u / and / t / there is a stop for a moment. It was not because we do not notice it. Say also said Indonesia's marine group. Between the sea and the words actually said Indonesia's stop. So stop for a moment, called a pause.
Pauses can be divided into:
a. Pause in the (= internal juncture)
b. Pause outside (= external juncture)

The meaning is to stop a gap in there between the phoneme and phoneme in a word, while the outer gap is a stop for a moment that there are between words with words. Characterized by pauses in [+] while the outer gap is divided into three, namely:
a. Single gap with a /,
b. Pause with a double / /, and
c. Double cross the gap with a *
Example: [* ki + ta / / ha + rus / s ₔ m b a h y a n g *]

Flow of speech is a dial-sequences of sounds continued, constantly, in alternating, with brief pauses or rather short soft accompanied by loud noise, short length and so on. In a speech that there was a stream that can be segmentasikan segmental and suprasegmental elements that can not be in segmentasikan.
So, the element of this Suprasegmental "work" or at any place in produksikan segmental sounds. Suprasegmental elements are also called prosodic features can be Classify as follows:
·         Stress
Intractable problems concerning the lack of sound.
·         Pitch (tone)
With regard to the high-low a sound.
·         Pause atu joints
With regard to the current hentian speech sounds.
·         Duration
Problems associated with long-short or long short a sound in words.

The Occurrence Of Sound

Every day of our communications, whether oral or written communication. Oral communication in the form of dialogue, whether committed two or more persons, such as the deliberations, discussions, phone calls, or meetings. Whereas written communication is realized with the words, such as newspapers, magazines, or telegram. The information we refer to the sound delivered through a number of language support and other elements that accompany it.
The main energy source in the event of the sounds of language is the presence of air from the lungs. Dih suction air into the lungs and is exhaled out together when you're breathing. Exhaled air (or smoked for a fraction the sounds of language) it then get a bottleneck in many places means talking with a variety of ways, so there language sounds. Place or a tool through which to speak of them: the trachea, the base of the throat, esophagus, oral cavity: nasal cavity, or both nasal cavities along with other tools. At the time of the air flowing out of the vocal cords in a state terbka. If the air does not have problems talking to the sounds of language tools will not happen, as in breathing (Marsono 1999:4). According to Ladefoged in Marsono (1999:4), that the terms of the sounds of language can be broadly divided into four, namely: the air flow, the process of phonation, artikulai process and the oro-nasal.

Elements Suprasegmental
In the flow ofspeech, there are soundsthat can besegmented, so-called segmentalsound, but with regard tohardsoft, short length, andpausethe soundcan not besegmented. Partof thesound iscallednoisesuprasegmentalorprosodic(Abdul Chaer2003:120). Part ofthe soundhas elementsthat accompanythe spokenlanguage sounds. Sounds of languageelementsthatinclude:
·         pronunciation,
·         pressure,
·         intonation, and
·          pause.

Explanation of the above as follows:
ü  Pronunciation
Pronunciationisthe way a personorgroup of peopleina communitylanguagepronouncethe sounds of language(Kridalaksana 1993:124). Inwritten language, the pronunciationis notclearly visible.Pronunciationis morereflected in thespoken language. For example,justdifferentwordsdengancepat, todifferwithtuna, differentcrustalmotion.
There are no specificguidelinesto regulate thepronunciationor speech. Unlike thesystem ofwritingthatare setin the Code ofImprovedSpelling(EYD) that must beadhered toeach userwritten languageIndonesian language asits rawsize. Because thepronunciationis ofteninfluencedby thelanguage ofthe userremembertheIndonesian language isthatwhichdwilingualsocietyis still difficult toleavetheirmother tongueso thatit iscoloredusingIndonesianpronunciation. Example: whythe wordspoken byBetawipeoplebecomekenape. In theJava community, especially theregionof CentralJava,saying the letterdis oftenaccompaniedbythe sound/n/, b is oftenaccompaniedbythe sound/m/, for exampleDemakbe[ndemak], Blorabe[mblora] andso on.
ü  Pressure
Pressure was speech that emphasized syllables or words, so that part seems louder or prominent than syllables or words of another. When pronouncing a sentence in which there is an important word that we will usually suppress the syllable or word is in order to properly understand the opponent said. Normal pressure is also called an accent.

Pay attention for examples of sentences that marked pressure bold italics on the word below!
a.       Rizki turns out I won the race yesterday KIR, Din. (Not Anton)
b.      Rizki turns out I won the race yesterday KIR, Din. (Not the champion II)
c.       Rizki turns out I won the race yesterday KIR, Din. (Not read poetry contest).
ü  Intonation
        Intonation is the change in tone is generated at the time said the speakers or the parts of speech (Kridalaksana 1993:85). Commonly known as the song intonation phrase or provision of high and low tones serving the sentence. Sentence, if diucakan evenly to the intent notice. However, if pronounced with high tone may have the intent admiration, astonishment, or a sense of distrust. this depends on the situation of the speaker. Therefore, in the Indonesian language there are three types of intonation in view of meaning, namely:
a.       Tone of news, is used to express yag conversation contains a notice about something. In writing characterized using dot (.).
Example: Budi will follow the Physics Olympiad.
b.      Intonation questions, used to ask about something (which express the speaker intent for asking for a description of the person you said). In writing characterized using a question mark (?).
Example: Why come too late?
c.       Tone of command, used to express the speaker's intent that the other person doing an act. In writing characterized the use of an exclamation mark. (!).
Example: Learn to persevere!

While the views of the track the sentence, namely:
a. Rising intonation. Example: What does he mean?
b. Flat intonation. Example: We have to work hard.
c. Intonation down. Example: "Tomorrow morning, this work should be done," said the mother.
ü  Pause
Pauses in speech that is often the case in front of the have elements of information content is high or low likelihood (Kridalaksana 1993:88). Commonly known as a more concise in speech that is hentian moment. In spoken language, the gap is marked by silence. In the written language is characterized by a space or gap is denoted by a slash (/), comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), atautanda dash (-). Pause great influence on the change of meaning. Consider the example below!
1.       Said the sister, mother Annie was a good teacher.
2.       Said the mother's brother, Ani was a good teacher.
3.       Ani said the mother's sister, was a good teacher.

The third sentence has a different meaning. Differences that can be described as follows:
That sentence   says                                                     the clever
1            sister                                                                 Mrs.Ani
2           mother's sister (Aunt / Uncle)                         Ani
3          mother's sister Annie (sister of Mrs.Ani)  Aperson                    (teacher)

May be useful.
Completed in writing when Little was sleeping with Umminya.
Jurangjero Banjarejo Blora, 12 Rabi al 1432H/17 End of March 2011M Author:
Abu Shifa 'Nana Ismail, S.Pd.


Chaer, Abdul. , 2003. General linguistics. New York: Rineka Notices.
Kridalaksana, Harimurti. Of 1993. Linguistics Dictionary Third Edition. New York: Scholastic

Marsono. Of 1999. Phonetics. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.