How patterns of communication in business organizations? In general, the pattern of communication in a business organization can be categorized into two patterns are patterns of formal communication and informal communication patterns. Grouping is usually based on the direction of the communication that occurs within the business organization (Curtis et al., 1996).
1. Formal communication patterns
In a formal communication pattern is usually divided into four forms, namely (a) the communication from top to bottom (top-down commu-nication), (b) communication from bottom to top (bottom-up commu-nication), (c) communication sideways (horizontal communication), (d) cross-channel (diagonal communication).
a. Communication from Top to Bottom
In general, preceded by the leadership communication to employees is down or communication from top to bottom. Communication flow starts from superiors to subordinates is generally associated with the authority and responsibility of a person in a business organization (see Exhibit 3.1.)
Downward communication has five main objectives (Katz, 1994), namely:
1) Giving directions or instructions the work.
2) Provide information as to why the work must be done.
3) Provide information about the procedure and practice of the organization.
4) Provide feedback on the implementation of the work to the employees.
5) Presents information about the philosophy of business organization that can help the company to provide an understanding of the organization's goals to be achieved.
One of the disadvantages of downward communication is the possibility of filtering or censoring important information before submitted to the employee. That is, the information is up to the employee may not complete as the original.
b. Communication from the Bottom to the Top
- The employee must report their progress toward completion of tasks; tell what tasks are causing problems for them (if any!); Suggestions for product improvement or repair work procedures, and the feelings of the employees of all things that exist in the company The.
- The managers need accurate feedback about the messages they have understood whether or how the decisions are acceptable and what problems arise later.
- One of the disadvantages of upward communication is the possibility that employees may only convey the right information (known as Mr Nice Origin Statement / ABS), while the information is likely to give a negative impression or that may not be liked by the leaders tend to be delivered.