Gap Education in Indonesia

Name              : Ikrimah
Class               : C
NPM               : 10.21.0005
Subject           : Translation


It's no secret anymore, the quality of education is less prevalent right now. Remote areas are often overlooked, likeinfrastructures and the teachers. Many factors that makes it happen, one of them is mapping of teacher placement often does not cooperate with the supervisor that really know the conditions at the school.
. Staffing decisions are usually taken only by the officials in the Department of Education, where there is still extant UPTD (Technical Unit Area) and supervisors that have relation directly with the headmaster and teachers. They are the ones who know exactly which schools are need teachers more.
The other problem, remote allowances for teachers is often not current, even the teachers can’t get it. And also the problem of information for teachers in remote areas are often left behind. When there is training, teachers village are not sent. This causes a slow progressive education in rural areas. Not to mention the educational facilities such as the unsuitable access of road, nothing libary in remote area and limited books. This is really different from urban schools.Worse yet, many chiefs of official education department are don’t have educational background. They are placed as head of a successful team, and fact of this is they are really don’t know the problem in the area itself. Should the head of successful team have the educational background, better they are teacher before.
So, actually quite a lot of problemsrelated to the low quality of education in remote areas. To handlethese problems, governments regions just not only budgeted funds according to the mandate of the legislative, but must look for the root problems in the area. If necessary the government officials look directly to the area itself and ask question there. Then, input from teachers and the public made as the basic to make a policy.

If placement of teacher according to mapping in the area, allowances teachers' will be current, teachers in rural given the opportunity to join the training, and head of official education department have background as a teacher, so the quality of school in remote areas will not lose than urban.


Bukan rahasia lagi, kualitas dan mutu pendidikan sekarang ini kurang merata. Daerah terpencil sering terabaikan, seperti sarana prasarana dan tenaga pengajar. Banyak faktor penyebabnya, di antaranya pemetaan penempatan guru sering tidak bekerja sama dengan pengawas yang nota bene mengetahui kondisi di lapangan.
Biasanya keputusan penempatan guru hanya diambil pejabat di Dinas Pendidikan (Disdik), padahal masih ada yang namanya UPTD (Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah) dan pengawas yang bersentuhan langsung dengan kepala sekolah dan guru. Mereka inilah  yang tahu persis, sekolah mana yang lebih membutuhkan guru.
Persoalan lain, tunjangan terpencil buat guru sering tidak lancar, bahkan tidak sampai sama sekali. Begitu juga persoalan informasi buat guru-guru di daerah terpencil sering tertinggal. Akibatnya bila ada pelatihan, guru-guru di kampung tidak dikirim. Ini yang menyebabkan pendidikan di perdesaan lambat maju. Belum lagi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan seperti akses jalan yang kurang memadai, perpustakaan sekolah di daerah terpencil tidak ada dan keterbatasan buku. Ini berbeda dengan sekolah-sekolah di perkotaan.
Lebih parah lagi, banyak kepala Disdik yang tidak berlatar belakang pendidikan. Mereka ditempatkan sebagai tim sukses kepala daerah, akibatnya tak mengetahui permasalahan di lapangan. Seharusnya yang menjabat berlatar belakang pendidikan, malah lebih baik lagi bila sebelumnya seorang guru.
Jadi, sebenarnya cukup banyak persoalan dan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan rendahnya mutu pendidikan di daerah terpencil. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pemerintah daerah tak hanya menganggarkan dana sesuai amanat undang undang, tetapi harus mencari akar permasalahan di lapangan. Kalau perlu para pejabat dan dinas terkait turun ke lapangan, mendatangi daerah terpencil menanyakan persoalan di sana. Kemudian,  masukan-masukan dari guru dan masyarakat tersebut dijadikan dasar kebijakan.
Jika penempatan guru sesuai pemetaan di lapangan, tunjangan guru terpencil lancar, guru perdesaan diberi kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan, dan kepala Disdik berlatar belakang guru, maka kualitas sekolah di kampung-kampung tidak akan kalah dibanding perkotaan.