
NIM : 1204715



We give our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT forthe blessing andgift of His gracewe can complete the final paper B.INGGRIS PLS "pertaining to School Education" right at the appointed time. Whichwill be used tofulfill one final course B.Inggris PLS.

Wewould like to thank all those who have helped in the writing ofthis paper. Hopefully, this paper can be useful for anyone who needs it.

However,this paper is still far from perfection, all criticism and suggestions so we expect to build the future.

Padang,20 Mai 2013



A.  Background

In Act 20 of 2003 on National Education System mandates that the function of Non Formal Education (PNF) is a substitute, supplement, and complement formal education in support of lifelong education to develop the potential of learners with an emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge and skills as well as functional professional attitude and personality development.

Non-Formal Education members held for the purpose provision special skills for learners to be ready to be used in meeting the demands of practical job skills. In this type of education, students are required to master technical skills, because in order to be prepared to work directly in the field.

Thus, the emphasis of education is not theoretical but pragmatic. Type of Non Formal education is usually carried out in a short time. Law. 20 of 2003 Article 26 Non-Formal Education (PNF) is one of them includes life skills education.

B.  Problem Formulation
1) What is the meaning of Life Skills Education?
2) What-what are the goals of the Life Skills Education?
3) Specify the types of the Life Skills Education!
4) How is the implementation of the Life Skills Education today?

C.  Destination
With this paper we hope the students will be able to understand and apply educators Non Formal Education is the best possible. So that more people know what's Education Schools, and the community also knows that to be educated not only in formal education alone.


A.  Definition
Life Skills Education isa non-formal educationprogram that aims to improve the ability of the individual to theability he canadjust in society. As well as an educationaleffort to improveone's skills toperform live lifeproperly and effectively and efficiently in seharai-day life.

B.  Background and goal-oriented education for life skills.
Schooling statistics from year to year shows that the number of students that can continue up to the university level is only about 11.6%. This means, that the majority of students (88.4%) did not continue their education due to various reasons. Hence the need for policy-based public education (Broad Based Education)-oriented skills for life (Life Skills).
Education-oriented skills for life does not change the existing education system and also to reduce the work of education just as an exercise. Education-oriented skills for life it provides the opportunity for each student to acquire the skills or expertise that the provision could be used as a source of livelihood. Education-oriented skills for life not to dictate. Education and local government agencies, but only offers a variety of possibilities or menus that can be selected according to the real condition of the school, both in terms of the existence and the lives of her students in the surrounding communities.
Broad community-based education (Broad Based Education) is an education policy that is fully dedicated to the biggest society in our country. The rationale for the implementation of community-based education is the real needs of the wider society the biggest, namely that education should focus on the acquisition of skills for life. Technically philosophical orientation-based public education is skills for life (Life Skills) or for work, not solely oriented to the academic track. For schools that are required to be able to realize a clear engagement with the world of work. Paradigm of school to work (school to work) should underlie all educational activities. Education with emphasis on skills for life (Life Skills) expected education can really improve the lives and dignity of people.

C.  The Types of Life SkillsAre
Everyoneis required to have the life skills :
a)personal skills, whichinclude the ability to know yourself, ability to think rationally, and the ability to skillfully with strong self-confidence.\
b) social skills, whichinclude communication skills separately, cooperation, considerate, and have a caring and social responsibility in public life.
c) Academic Skills, which includes the ability to formulateand solve problems through the process of critical thinking, analysis and systematic.
d) Vocational Skills, which includes skillsrelated to specific areas of professional skillsin the world of business and industry both used to work as an employee/ wati andindependent business.

D.  Destination
a)      In general, which is to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the learners in the areas of employment according to their talents, interests andpotential mental development environment so that the environment has the potentialprovision abilities to work
b)      In particular, the order of Students has the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to enter the working world

E.   Charge of education-oriented skills for life

Education-oriented skills for life (Life Skills) should contain a minimum of effort to develop the following skills :

a)      The ability to read and write functionally both in Indonesian and one foreign language (English, Arabic, Chinese, etc)
b)      The ability to formulate and solve problems that are processed through learning scientific thinking, explorative, 'discovery' and 'inventory'.
c)      Ability to calculate with or without the help of technology, the ability to support both the above.
d)      Ability to use technology in a variety of fields of life such as agricultural technology, fisheries, animal husbandry, crafts, homemaking, health, communication-information, transportation, manufacturing and industry, commerce, arts, entertainment, sports, services, etc.
e)      Ability to process natural resources, social, cultural and environment to be able to live independently.
f)        Ability to work in a team which is the current economic demands in both informal and formal sectors.
g)      Ability to continue to be in line with the study of human development of science and technology.
h)      The ability to integrate with the socio-religious nation based on the values ​​of Pancasila.

F.   Implementation of education-oriented skills for life.

Taking into account the real conditions the transition rate of students every year, efforts to achieve education-oriented skills for life will be implemented through the 'pilot project' in basic education (elementary danSLTP) and secondary education (high school and vocational school). 'Pilot project' was initiated in fiscal year 2002. Elementary and Secondary Education Curriculum diversified so as to provide areas of learning as a life skills' in accordance with the conditions of the local communities and the environment.
Establishment of a Primary Education Institutions medium to be a 'pilot project' based on readiness and proposals or proposals from each of the institution. It required cooperation between educational institutions, ministries of education in the area and the local consultant.
The principle of management-oriented education 'life skills' is school-based management (School Based Management) and community-based management (Community Based Management). Funding assistance to implement the program for life skills education will be provided through the procedures 'block grant' the financial accountability of public accounting performed by the system. Educational institution that is not a 'pilot project' to temporarily carry out the process of teaching and learning activities based on current curriculum.

G.  Efforts to improve the quality and relevance of education melalm oriented educational skills for life.

In macro scale, efforts to improve the quality and relevance of education through education-oriented skills for life can be pursued through :

a)      Empowerment and optimum utilization of the local potential.
b)      Provision of opportunities and flexibility for schools in selecting and implementing learning skills.
c)      Empowerment related units in the preparation and development of local curriculum that refers to the changing times and modern technology.

To realize the efforts to improve the quality and relevance of education, among others, through education-oriented skills for life (Life Skills) and through both 'Broad Based Education' that provide supplies to the skills of the graduates in anticipation for students who do not continue their education. Learning orientation using the principle of learning to know ', learning to do,' learning to be ', and learning to life together' simultaneously.

H.  Strategy implementation of education oriented skills for life.

In applying the 'Broad Based Education' there are four strategy approaches which are planned to be model of execution, ie the model in junior high and high school, in vocational schools, in the PLS and model of providing funding assistance 'block-grant' for Local Government.

a)         In junior high and high school

1.      Offered to the school to perform 'self assessment' of the linkage program with their learning skills for life (Life Skills)
2.      Set the vision, mission and strategies associated with schools 'Broad Based Education' and the level of competence of graduates. Vision and mission should be agreed by all 'stakeholders' and community support and school
3.      Adding payload skills for life (Life Skills), not just vokasioanal.
4.      Provides a number of grants 'block grant' for junior and high school to support the program of learning skills for life (Life Skills).
5.      Number of grants 'block grant' that can be used among others to :
a)      improving the quality of learning life skills
b)      sources of financing or life skills instructor 'from outside the school or community
c)      the implementation of the program out of school for students and teachers to places of learning 'lifeskills', and
d)      provision of facilities and infrastructure of learning 'life skills'.
e)      Approximately 1,200 junior high (an average of 3 junior in each district / city) and 800 high school (an average of 2 SMU)

b)        At SMK

1.        CMS is designed as a 'Community College :

a)      SMK and D-l are relevant to the conditions, can be used by instructors courses that exist in society. If in the District / Municipality concerned there Polytechnic, the Polytechnic it can support in the planning, implementation and assessment 'Community College'
b)      If possible in each district / city there is a 'Community College.
c)      If in the existing courses, vocational school as a 'Community College' enough to support life skills learning program 'in the classes.
d)      Both SMK and private can apply for it to be a 'Community College'
e)      Provided a number of grants 'Block Grant' needed to develop the 'Community College' is.
f)        Approximately 100 SMK is planned to be developed into a 'Community College'

2.        CMS is designed to accommodate the graduates Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education.

a)      Graduates of basic education that does not proceed to high school or vocational trained for 6 months in the form of classes and or workshops.
b)      Learning program geared to providing sustenance skills for life which can be used for independent business or work.
c)      The program is also open to those who want to continue their education, so it is 'Multy Multy entry and exit'.
d)      The grants for organizing this program is provided by the procedure 'block grant'
e)      Approximately 250 SMK planned to organize this program.

c) In School Education.
1)   Approximately 100 Instruction and Learning Activities (SKB), 500 Community Learning Center CLC) and 100 Community Organization or Institute Course Skills planned for the chance education programs oriented to skills for life (Life Skills).
2)    This program targets priority for the population of productive age (16-30 years) that the conditions are not in school and not working.
3)   A number of grants 'Block Grant' provided to be given to each institution that can use between others to:
a)      education skills for life
b)      the provision of funds to learn
c)       incentives instructors, and
d)      the provision of facilities and infrastructure required.

v  Provision of funds' block grant  for Local Government.
a)      Local governments were given the opportunity to seek innovative community-based educational planning broad (Broad Based Education) and erorientasi education to skills for life (Life Skills)
b)      For Local Government to develop the innovation territory provided a number of grants 'block grant'.
c)      Approximately 80 regencies / cities are planned to have the opportunity to develop the innovation
I.     The procedure to obtain the funds "block grant”

Ways that need to be taken to obtain the funds 'block grant' is as follows:

a)      Each school, outside of school educational institutions and local governments who wish to obtain the funds 'Block Grant' draw up a proposal to the Board of Education or the Committee on the District / City.
b)      District Education Council or Committee / City of researching and assessing proposals, then assign the candidate who will get the funds 'block grant'
c)      District Education Council or Committee / City issued a letter grantees 'block grant' and send it to the person in charge 'block grant' as a basis for the melt.
d)      Funds disbursed through post offices or nearby Bank were administered directly to the person in charge of the school, outside the school or educational institution is eligible to receive Local Government grant 'block grant' to be used in accordance with the proposal submitted.
e)      Education Committee of the Board or District / City coaching, supervising and monitoring the implementation of the program supported by a grant 'block grant' is.


A.   Conclusion
Fromthe discussion above, we can know that the non-formal education is verydiverse. one of them life skills education. educationis very important for youth to be able to have a certain skilland finesse. so it can be someone who is efficient and effective in the community.

Most importantly, to school not only in formal education, but in non formal education/ special education schools can too. so that we can further develop educational programs outside the schooland can help people who have problems ineducation.

B.    Suggestion

Non-formal educationorganizers, should start considering that learnersare cultivated citizensmust be prepared toeventually be able to live independently. Thus have already plannedwhat fields andlife skills appropriate to the situation, abilities, interests and needs of industry andbusiness world.

Life skills educationcan be done as early as possible, with considerationof the physical andmental aspects to be better prepared in terms of ageand is still easyand flexible tounderstand, accept and master pengetehuan, experience and skillsin the learning process.

Referensi :

Dariyo, Agoes. 2013. Dasar- dasar pedagogi modern. PT.Indeks :Jakarta
Aini, Wirdatul. Konsep PLS. Unp: Padang.